


发布时间:2015年09月06日 11:28   点击:


发布时间: [2015-09-06 10:28:36] 浏览次数: [2823 次]

报告题目一:How much is too much? On the nutritional sustainability of forest biomass harvesting


报 告 人:Prof.Klaus Katzensteiner

报告题目二:The effect of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on carbon cycling in forests

报告时间:2015年9月8日(周二) 下午16:00

报 告 人:Prof. Douglas L. Godbold

报告题目三:The role of above and below ground diversity on ecosystem function of forests


报 告 人:Prof. Douglas L. Godbold

报告题目四:The role of stochastic disturbances on forest humus dynamics


报 告 人:Prof.Klaus Katzensteiner

地   点:主西515


   (一)Prof. Douglas L. Godbold

维也纳自然资源和生命科学大学(原维也纳农业大学)教授,世界知名的林学家和生态学家。担任植物营养和土壤科学(Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science)以及林学(Forestry)两个期刊的编委。同时是以下国际主流刊物的特约审稿人植物和土壤(Plant & Soil)、加拿大林业研究(Canadian Journal of Forestry Research)、森林生态学和经营(Forest Ecology & Management)、全球变化生物学(Global Change biology)、植物生理学和生物化学(Plant Physiology & Biochemistry)、植物生态学(Plant Ecology)、水、空气和土壤污染(Water Air & Soil Pollution)、树木生理学(Tree Physiology)、加拿大植物学(Canadian Journal of Botany)、臭氧层生态学通讯(Chemosphere Ecology Letters)、环境污染(Environmental Pollution)、干旱环境(Journal of Arid Environments)、环境质量(Journal of Environmental Quality)、实验植物学杂志(Journal of Experimental Botany )、植物生理学(Journal of Plant Physiology)、热带生态学(Journal of Tropical Ecology)、新植物学家(New Phytologist)、土壤生物学(Pedobiologia)、植物细胞和环境(Plant Cell & Environment)、扫描显微镜(Scanning Microscopy)。


    1976—1979年,英国苏塞克斯大学(University of Sussex)生物系,理学学士;1979—1983,英国利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)植物系,博士;1983—1985,德国哥廷根大学(University of Gõttingen)森林植物研究所,博士后.


    1984—1986,德国哥廷根大学(University of Gõttingen),森林植物研究所,皇家学会研究奖学金;1986—1997,德国哥廷根大学(University of Gõttingen),森林植物研究所,研究员;其中1992年,加拿大埃德蒙顿阿尔伯塔大学,植物系,访问科学家;1995—1996,美国哈佛老员工物和进化生物学系,Charles Bullard Fellowship奖学金;1998—2011,英国班戈大学(Bangor University),环境、自然资源和地理学院,森林科学教授;2011—至今,维也纳自然资源和生命科学大学,森林生态研究所,森林生态学教授。


    Elevated Atmospheric CO2Affects Ectomycorrhizal Species Abundance and Increases Sporocarp Production under Field Conditions.Forests. 2015; 6(4):256-1273. 

Bacterial growth and respiration responses upon rewetting dry forest soils: Impact of drought-legacy. Soil Biol Biochem. 2013, 57: 477-486.

    Elevated atmospheric CO2and humidity delay leaf fall in Betula pendula, but not in Alnus glutinosa orPopulus tremula×tremuloides.Ann Forest Sci.2014,71(8): 831-842.

Elevated CO2enrichment induces a differential biomass response in a mixed species temperate forest plantation. New Phytol. 2013, 198(1):156-168.

    Effects of Elevated CO2on Litter Chemistry and Subsequent Invertebrate Detritivore Feeding Responses.Plos One. 2014: 9(1)

    It’s Complicated: Intraroot System Variability of Respiration and Morphological Traits in Four Deciduous Tree Species.Plant Physiol. 2014, 166(2):736-745.

Deciduous woodland exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2has species-specific impacts on anecic earthworms.Appl Soil Ecol. 2014, 80: 84-92.

    The production and turnover of extramatrical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest soils: role in carbon cycling. Plant & Soil. 2013, 366(1-2): 1-27.

Bacterial growth and respiration responses upon rewetting dry forest soils: Impact of drought-legacy. Soil Biol Biochem. 2013, 57: 477-486.

    Drivers of increased soil respiration in a poplar coppice exposed to elevated CO2. Plant & Soil. 2013; 362(1-2): 93-106

Tree species diversity interacts with elevated CO2to induce a greater root system response. Global Change Biol. 2013, 19(1): 217-228.

Evaluation of methods to estimate production, biomass and turnover of ectomycorrhizal mycelium in forests soils - A review. Soil Biol Biochem. 2013, 57: 1034-1047.

    Bacterial salt tolerance is unrelated to soil salinity across an arid agroecosystem salinity gradient. Soil Biol Biochem. 2011, 43, 1881-1887.

   Free atmospheric CO2enrichment (FACE) did not affect symbiotic N2-fixation or soil carbon content and stabilization in a mixed deciduous stand in Wales. Biogeosciences, 2010, 8, 353-364.

   (二)Prof.Klaus Katzensteiner

维也纳自然资源和生命科学大学,世界知名的林学家和森林土壤学家。担任林学(Forestry)、森林生态学与经营(Forest Ecology & Managemen)、植物与土壤(Plant & Soil)、 欧洲林业科学研究(Eur J For Res、水、空气和土壤污染(Water Air Soil Poll)、Ecotropica、植物营养与土壤科学(J Plant Nutr Soil Sc)、Annal Forest Science、生物地化学(Biogeochemistry); Soil Sci Soc Am J(美国土壤科学学会杂志)、生态研究(Ecol Res)等国际主流刊物的编委和特邀审稿人。)


    1980,Graduation from Secondary College of Chemical Engineering (HTL)Wels,Bechelor; 1980-1987, Academic studies at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; 1987-1989, Graduation Diplom-Ingenieur of Forestry, Master; 1992, Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat. techn.–BOKU), Ph. D.


    1987—1991, Project Assistant at the Institute of Forest Ecology, BOKU;1992—2000, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Forest Ecology, BOKU; 2000, Habilitation for Forest Soil Science and Forest Nutrition; 2001, Appointment as Associate Professor of Forest Soil Science and Forest Nutrition at BOKU; 2007—2012, Head of the Institute of Forest Ecology, BOKU; 2012—至今,Deputy Head of the Institute of Forest Ecology, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, BOKU.


    Do water-limiting conditions predispose Norway spruce to bark beetle attack? New Phytol., 2015, 205 (3): 1128-1141.

Unfavourable microsites, competing vegetation and browsing restrict post-disturbance tree regeneration on extreme sites in the Northern Calcareous Alps. Eur J For Res. 2015, 134(2): 293-308.

    Impact of biomass extraction on soil properties and foliar nitrogen content in a community forest and a semi-protected natural forest in the central mid-hills of Nepal. Tropical Ecology, 2015, 56(3): 323-333.

    A European morpho-functional classification of humus forms. Geoderma. 164(3-4): 138-145.

     Modelling drainage fluxes in managed and natural forests in the Dinaric karst: a model comparison study. Eur J For Res. 129(4): 729-740



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