


发布时间:2018年12月03日 15:03   点击:




1.Ko Harada, Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,Huan-Zhen Liu, Yasunori Takeichi, Narumi Nakatani and Koichi Kamiya. Genetic variation and structure of Ubame oak,Quercus phillyraeoidesin Japan revealed by chloroplast DNA and nuclear microsatellite markers. Genes & Genetic Systems, online published, 2018.

2.姜洋,刘焕臻,李开隆*.大青杨再生体系的优化(OptimizingPopulus ussuriensisRegeneration).beat365网站学报(A类),45(4):28-32,2017.

3.刘焕臻*,刘悦,韩青,冉文容,齐羽彤.基于叶绿体DNA分析七种丁香的遗传多样性(Studies on genetic diversity of sevenSyringaon chloroplast DNA variations).林业科技(FORESTRY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY),40(6):1 - 4,2015.

4.Ko Harada, Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,Liu Huan Zhen. The boundaries of two cpDNA haplotypes inQuercus mongolicavar.crispulaand related species in the section Prinus on the Pacific coast of Japan (in Japanese). Forestry genetic breeding, 3: 1 - 7, 2014.

5.Huan-Zhen Liuand Ko Harada. Geographic distribution and origin of the chloroplast T/C-type inQuercus mongolicavar.crispulain northeastern Japan. Plant Species Biology, 29: 207 - 211, 2014.

6.Guan-Zheng Qu, Tangchun Zheng, Guifeng Liu, Wenjie Wang, Lina Zang,Huanzhen Liu, Chuanping Yang. Overexpression of a MADS-Box Gene from Birch (Betula platyphylla) Promotes Flowering and Enhances Chloroplast Development in Transgenic Tobacco. PLOS ONE, 8 (3): 1-10, 2013.

7.Huan-Zhen Liu, Yasunori Takeichi, Koichi Kamiya, Ko Harada. Phylogeography ofQuercus phillyraeoides(Fagaceae) in Japan as revealed by chloroplast DNA variation. Journal of Forest Research, 18 (4): 361 - 370, 2013.

8.LIU Huan-Zhen, HARADA Ko. Genetic structure analysis ofQuercus phillyraeoides(Fagaceae) in the Japanese Archipelago revealed by cpDNA variation and microsatellite markers. Genes & Genetic Systems, 87 (6): 423, 2012.



Individual Resume:

Huan-zhen Liu, doctor, lecturer. Mainly engaged in population genetics research ofQuercusand studies on forest functional genomics.

In July 2005, graduated from the biology science major of the College of life science, Northeast Forestry University, and received a Bachelor of Science degree. In July 2008, graduated from the forest genetics and breeding major of school of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, and received a master's degree in agronomy. In February 2013, graduated from the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University in the direction of population genetics and received an academic doctorate degree.

From February 2013 to February 2014, as a researcher at the United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Ehime University, Japan. As a lecturer in the State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding of school of Forestry of Northeast Forestry University, from August 2013 to the present.

There were three scientific research projects at different levels. 10 papers were published, including 5 SCI papers. In 2017, won the first prize in forestry science and technology of Heilongjiang province.

Mainly teach "Biostatistics" and "Molecular Biology", and other undergraduate courses. Mainly teach the "Population and quantitative genetics", "Tree transgene and safety evaluation", "Nucleic acid operation principle and technology" and other master's courses.

Representative results:

1.Ko Harada, Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,Huan-Zhen Liu, Yasunori Takeichi, Narumi Nakatani and Koichi Kamiya. Genetic variation and structure of Ubame oak,Quercus phillyraeoidesin Japan revealed by chloroplast DNA and nuclear microsatellite markers. Genes & Genetic Systems, online published, 2018.

2.Yang Jiang,Huan-Zhen Liu, Kai-long Li*. OptimizingPopulus ussuriensisRegeneration (in Chinese). Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 45(4):28-32,2017.

3.Huan-Zhen Liu*, Yue Liu, Qing Han, Wen-rong Ran, Yu-tong Qi. Studies on genetic diversity of sevenSyringaon chloroplast DNA variations (in Chinese). FORESTRY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 40(6):1 - 4,2015.

4.Ko Harada, Fifi Gus Dwiyanti,Liu Huan Zhen. The boundaries of two cpDNA haplotypes inQuercus mongolicavar.crispulaand related species in the section Prinus on the Pacific coast of Japan (in Japanese). Forestry genetic breeding, 3: 1 - 7, 2014.

5.Huan-Zhen Liuand Ko Harada. Geographic distribution and origin of the chloroplast T/C-type inQuercus mongolicavar.crispulain northeastern Japan. Plant Species Biology, 29: 207 - 211, 2014.

6.Guan-Zheng Qu, Tangchun Zheng, Guifeng Liu, Wenjie Wang, Lina Zang,Huanzhen Liu, Chuanping Yang. Overexpression of a MADS-Box Gene from Birch (Betula platyphylla) Promotes Flowering and Enhances Chloroplast Development in Transgenic Tobacco. PLOS ONE, 8 (3): 1-10, 2013.

7.Huan-Zhen Liu, Yasunori Takeichi, Koichi Kamiya, Ko Harada. Phylogeography ofQuercus phillyraeoides(Fagaceae) in Japan as revealed by chloroplast DNA variation. Journal of Forest Research, 18 (4): 361 - 370, 2013.

8.LIU Huan-Zhen, HARADA Ko. Genetic structure analysis ofQuercus phillyraeoides(Fagaceae) in the Japanese Archipelago revealed by cpDNA variation and microsatellite markers. Genes & Genetic Systems, 87 (6): 423, 2012.

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