


发布时间:2018年12月03日 15:13   点击:




1. Tingting Lu, Lulu Liu, Mingjing Wei, Yingying Liu, Zianshang Qu, Chuanping Yang, Hairong Wei,Zhigang We1*. The Effect of Poplar PsnGS1.2 Overexpression on Growth, Secondary Cell Wall, and Fibre Characteristics in Tobacco. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00009 (IF 4.298)

2. Yingying Liu, Minjing Wei, Cong Hou, Tingting Lu, Lulu Liu, Hairong Wei, Yuxiang Cheng,Zhigang Wei*. Functional Characterization of Populus PsnSHN2 in Coordinated Regulation of Secondary Wall Components in Tobacco. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 42. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00093-z (IF 4.259 )

3.Zhigang Wei,Zianshang Qu,Lijie Zhang,Shuanjin Zhao,Zhihong Bi,Xiaohui Ji,Xiaowen Wang,Hairong We*. Overexpression of Poplar Xylem Sucrose Synthase in Tobacco Leads to a Thickened Cell Wall and Increased Height. PLOS ONE, 2015,10(3): e0120669.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0120669 (IF 3.05)

4. Lin He,Chang Su,Yucheng Wang,Zhigang Wei*. ATDOF5.8 protein is the upstream regulator of ANAC069 and is in response to abiotic stress. Biochemistry, 2015,33(1):1-8(IF 3.02, )

5. Kaixuan Zhang, Dan Wang, Chuanping Yang, Guanjun Liu, Guifeng Liu, Hangao Zhang, Lian Lian,Zhigang Wei*. Linkage map construction and QTL analysis forBetula platyphyllasuk using RAPD, AFLP, ISSR and SSR. Silvae Genetica, 2012,61:1-10(IF 0.778 )

6. Chang-Cai Liu, Chang-Fu Liu, Hong-Xia Wang, Zhi-Ying Shen, Chuan-Ping Yang,Zhi-Gang Wei*. Identification and analysis of phosphorylation status of proteins in dormant terminal buds of poplar. BMC Plant Biology, 2011, 11:158(IF 4.085)

7. Chang-Cai Liu1, Wei Li, Zhi-Wei Yang, Bao-Guang Liu, Su-Jie Ge, Hang-Yong Zhu, Chuan-Ping Yang,Zhi-Gang Wei*. The systematic characterization of poplar CK2α and its theoretical studies on phosphorylation of P-protein C-terminal domain. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2011, 5(27):4850-4858(IF 0.8)

8. Zhigang Wei , Kaixuan Zhang, Chuanping Yang, Guifeng Liu, Guanjun Liu, Lian Lian, Hanguo Zhang. Genetic Linkage Maps of Betula platyphylla Suk Based on ISSR and AFLP Markers. Plant Mol Biol Rep , 2010, 28:169–175(IF 1.932 )

9. WANG Dan,WEI Zhi-gang*, YANG Chuan-ping, LIU Guan-junAnalysis and identification of SCAR molecular markers associated with birch fiber length trait. Journal of Forestry Research (2008) 19(4):288−292(IF 0.774 )

10.Zhigang Wei, Zianshang Qu, Cong Hou, Yingying Liu, Lijie Zhang, Chuanping Yang ,Hairong Wei. Genetic diversity and paternal analysis of open-pollinated progenies of Larix olgensis seed orchard. Journal of Nature and Science, 2015, 1 (1 )19-24





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