


发布时间:2019年09月11日 14:56   点击:



研究方向:经济林种质创新与重要性状遗传基础;研究材料:文冠果、蓖麻;研究内容:1)蓖麻和文冠果种质资源的收集与重要性状相关遗传群体的构建;2)文冠果和蓖麻基因组精细图谱的绘制;3)重要性状相关功能基因的染色体定位与功能解析;4)分子标记辅助与基因编辑等现代生物技术相结合的分子设计育种。近年来部分研究成果发表在Cell Reports、PNAS、Plant Cell、PLoS Genetics、Nature Communication和Plant Journal等国际核心生物学期刊。


1.Zheng ZM*, Yu HS, Miki Daisuke , Jin D, Zhang QZ, Ren ZH, Gong ZZ, Zhang H* and Zhu JK. (2015) Involvement of multiple gene silencing pathways in a paramutation-like phenomenon in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports, 11: 1160-1167.

2.Ren Z, Zheng Z, Chinnusamy V, Zhu J, Cui X, Iida K and Zhu JK*. (2010) RAS1, a quantitative trait locus for salt tolerance and ABA sensitivity in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA., 107: 5669-5674. (Co-author)

3.Zheng Z, Xing Y, He XJ, Li W, Hu Y, Yadav SK, Oh J and Zhu JK*. (2010) An SGS3-like protein functions in RNA-directed DNA methylation and transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant J., 62: 92-99.

4.He L, Wu WW, Zinta G, Yang L, Wang D, Liu RY, Zhang HM, Zheng ZM, Huang H, Zhang QZ* and Zhu JK*. (2017) A naturally occurring epiallele controls leaf senescence and contributes to local climate adaptation in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications.

5.Yang R, Zheng Z, Chen Q, Yang L, Huang H, Miki D, Wu W, Zeng L, Liu J, Zhou JX, Ogas J, Zhu JK, He XJ, Zhang H*. (2017) The developmental regulator PKL is required to maintain correct DNA methylation patterns at RNA-directed DNA methylation loci. Genome Biol. 18:103.

6.Zhang QZ*, Li YQ, Xu T, Srivastava AK, Wang D, Zeng L, Yang L, He L, Zhang H, Zheng ZM, Zhang HM, Yang DL, Zhao C, Dong J, Gong ZZ, Liu RY and Zhu JK*. (2016) The chromatin remodeler DDM1 promotes hybrid vigor by regulating salicylic acid metabolism. Cell discovery 2: 16027.

7.Yamamuro C, Miki D, Zheng Z, Ma J, Wang J, Yang Z, Dong J and Zhu JK*. (2014) Overproduction of stomatal lineage cells in Arabidopsis mutants defective in active DNA demethylation. Nature Communication, 5:4062-4062.

8.Liu Q, Wang J, Miki D, Xia R, Yu W, He J, Zheng Z, Zhu JK and Gong Z*. (2010) DNA replication factor C1 mediates genomic stability and transcriptional gene silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 22: 2336-2352.





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