


发布时间:2018年12月03日 10:16   点击:


沈海龙,1962年5月生,博士,教授、博士生导师,森林培育国家重点学科带头人,国家林业局红松工程技术研究中心常务副主任,林木遗传育种国家重点实验室PI负责人。1983年吉林beat365林学专业毕业/学士学位,1989年和1995年分别在beat365网站和北京林业大学获造林学专业硕士和博士学位。1996至1998年在日本东京大学JSPS博士后研究、出战。中国林学会高级会员、森林培育分会常务理事、经济林分会副秘书长、松树分会副主任委员;全国林木种子标准化委员会委员;国际植物繁殖者学会(IPPS)会员。Journal of Forestry Research、林业科学、beat365网站学报和北京林业大学学报、经济林研究编委和审稿人,PCTOC和Trees等多种国内外期刊审稿人。主要从事森林定向培育、林木种苗培育、树木组织培养方面研究与教学工作。多次主持国家、省部科研课题,目前主持国家重点研发专项项目1项,国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。已经发表期刊学术论文220余篇(其中SCI检索20篇),会议论文集论文15篇,主编《苗木培育学》、《植物组织培养》等全国性教材3部、主编专著1部、合编2部;获国家科技进步奖二等奖1项,省部级科技进步二等奖3项、三等奖5项;获得发明专利11项,主持或参与制修订技术标准多部。


Current projects:

1. Research into silvicultural technology for principal high-value timber species in north China (2017-2020), Project head (Principal investigator), Task head forPinus koraiensisresearch.

2. Biological mechanism elucidation for initiation and development of Fraxinus mandshurica somatic embryos based on explant browning effects (2016-2019), Project head (Principal investigator)

Academic papers selected (*Corresponding author):

Muhammad Razaq, Peng Zhang, Hai-long Shen, Salahuddin. Influence of nitrogen and phosphorous on the growth and root morphology ofAcer mono. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171321.

Muhammad Razaq, Salahuddin, Hai-long Shen, Hassan Sher, Peng Zhang. Influence of biochar and nitrogen on fine root morphology, physiology, and chemistry of Acer mono. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 5367. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-05721-2

Chun-Ping Liu, Hai-Long Shen*, Ling Yang, Peng Zhang, Zhaobin Xing, Yanshuang Tan, Jian Huang. Effects of media and hormones on the adventitious shoot regeneration and development of Manchurian ash. Acta Horticulturae, 2017, 1155, p467-471

Chun-ping Liu, Hua-ying Liu, Bo-wen Yang, Ling Yang, Peng Zhang, Hai-long Shen*. Shoot multiplication of Syringa reticulata var. mandshurica from in vitro cultured seedlings. J. For. Res. (2017) 28(4):41-46

Chunping Liu, Jian Cong, Hailong Shen*, Cunxue Lin, Yoko Saito, Yuji Ide. Genetic relationships among sympatric varieties of Acer mono in the Chichibu Mountains and Central Hokkaido, Japan. J. For. Res. (2017) 28(1):699-704

YANG Ling, LIU Hong-Nan, ZHANG Dong-Yan, WEI Cheng, SHEN Hai-Long*. Effect of plant growth regulators and osmoticums on somatic embryogenesis ofFraxinus mandshuricaRupr. Bulletin of BotanicalResearch, 2017, 35(5): 682-689 (In Chinesewith English abstract)

GAO Fang, SHEN Hailong*, LIU Chunping, WANG Yi, ZHANG Peng, YANG Ling. Optimization of culture conditions and selection of suitable explants for callus induction from mature embryo ofPinus koraiensis. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University ( Natural Sciences Edition), 2017, 41(3): 43-50 (In Chinesewith English abstract)

NGUYEN Thanh-tuan, SHEN Hai-long1*, ZHANG Jin-hu, WANG Long, ZHANG Peng.Relationships between multi-stem type and stand density,tree growth index and mast year cone yield inPinus koraiensisplantation. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2017, 36(4): 925-934 (In Chinesewith English abstract)

Zhang Peng, Song Boyang, Wu Lingdong, Shen Hailong*. Germination and physiological responses of dormancy released seeds of fraxinus mandshurica to dehydration in different conditions. SCIENTIA SILVAE SINICAE, 2017, 53(3): 60-67 (In Chinesewith English abstract)

Yan Liang, Hai-long Shen*, Chun-ping Liu, Ling Yang, Peng Zhang. Comparison of methods for extracting high-throughput sequencing RNA from Korean pine seeds. J. For. Res. (2016) 27(1):33-40

Yin Dongsheng, Shen Hailong*. Shade tolerance and the adaptability of forest plants in morphology and physiology: A review.Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology,Aug.2016,27( 8) : 2687-2698 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Liang Yan, Shen Hailong*, et al. Content Dynamics of Endogenous Hormones in Different Seed Developmental Stages of Korean Pine. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2016, 52(3): 105-111 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Chun-Ping Liu, Ling Yang and Hai-Long Shen*. Proteomic analysis of immatureFraxinus mandshuricacotyledon tissues during somatic embryogenesis: effects of explant browning on somatic embryogenesis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16, 13692-13713

Yang Bowen, Hu Lijiang, Shen Hailong*, et al. Effect of mounding and top-pruning on survival and growth of manchurian ash seedlings planted under the secondary forest of the species. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2015,51(8): 104-113 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Chunping Liu, Yoshiaki Tsuda, Hailong Shen*, Lijiang Hu, Yoko Saito, Yuji Ide. Genetic structure and hierarchical population divergence history ofAcer monovar.monoin south and northeast China. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e87187.

Dongmei Kong, Hai-long Shen*. Somatic embryogenesis in Manchurian ash: performance of various explant stock trees, optimisation of the basal medium, and simplified plant growth regulator combinations. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2014, 89(1):86-92

Shen Hailong*, et al. Effect of Community structureregulation on upper-layer broad-leaved trees in a mixed forest of planted korean pine and naturally-regenerated broad-leaved trees. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2014, 50(2):22-30 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Ling Yang, Lei Bian, Hai-long Shen*, Yu-hua Li. Somatic embryogenesis and plantlet regeneration from mature zygotic embryos of Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshuricaRupr.). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult, 2013,115: 115-125,.

Chun-Ping Liu, Ling Yang, Hai-Long Shen*, and Jian-Min Cong. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature embryo cotyledons ofSyringa reticulataBlume var.mandshuricaHara. Propagation of Ornamental Plants. Vol. 13, № 2, 2013: 65-72

Yang Ling, Wang Jianan, Bian Lei, Shen Hailong*. Effects of exogenous nitric oxide on embryo germination and ros accumulation in seedling growth initial stage ofSorbus pohuashanensis. Scientia Silvae Sinicae,2013, 49(6): 60-67(in Chinese with English abstract)

Ling Yang, Jianan Wang, Lei Bian, Yuhua Li, Hailong Shen*. Cyclic secondary somatic embryogenesis and efficient plant regeneration in mountain ash (Sorbus pohuashanensis). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2012) 111:173–182

Ling Yang, Yuhua Li, Hailong Shen*. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature zygotic embryo cultures of mountain ash (Sorbus pohuashanensis). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2012)

Dong-Mei Kong, John E. Preece, Hai-Long Shen. Somatic embryogenesis in immature cotyledons of Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshuricaRupr.). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2012) 108:485–492

Yang Ling, Shen Hailong*, et al. Changes in endogenous abscisic acid content and germination ability ofAcer monoseeds during seed development and cold stratification. Scientia Silvae Sinicae,2012, 48(12): 116-121(in Chinese with English abstract)

Liang Yan, Shen Hailong*, et al. Role of ethylene and polyamines in plant somatic embryogenesis. Scientia Silvae Sinicae,2012, 48(9): 149-153(in Chinese with English abstract)

Yang Ling, Shen Hailong*, et al. Effects of NaHCO3stress on photosynthetic capabilities and seedling growth inPopulus bachofenii×Ppyramidalis‘ROZ’. Scientia Silvae Sinicae,2012, 48(7): 50-55(in Chinese with English abstract)

Yang Ling, Shan Lin, Shen Hailong*, Qi Yonghui. Somatic Embryogenesis and Plantlet Regeneration ofFraxinus rhynchophylla.Scientia Silvae Sinicae,2012, 48(4): 49-55(in Chinese with English abstract)

CONG Jian, Shen Hai-Long*, YANG Wen-Hua, FAN Shao-Hui, ZHANG Qun. Effect of microenvironmental quantitative regulation on growth of Korean pine trees planted under secondary forest. Journal of Forestry Research, 2011, 22(2) 175-181

SHEN Hai-long, CONG Jian, ZHANG Peng,HANG Qun, FAN Shao-hui,ANG Wen-hua, LIU Shi-rong. Effect of opening degree regulation on diameter and height increment and aboveground biomass of Korean pine trees planted under secondary forest. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2011, 22(11): 2781-2791 (in Chinese with English abstract)

*Shen Hailong; Cong Jian, Zheng Guifen; Xu Guanghai. 2007 Heating Value and Energy Structure of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Plantation (Ⅱ):Heating Value and Energy Dynamics of Litters and Net Energy Yield and Conversion Efficiency of Communities. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 35(9):1-10 (in Chinese with English abstract)

*Shen Hailong, Yang Ling, Zhang Jianying, Feng Dandan, Fan Shaohui. 2006 Influencing Factors to Seed Dormancy and Germination Characteristics ofSorbus pohuashanensis. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 42(10):133-138 (in Chinese with English abstract)

*Shen Hailong, Zhao Xia, Xing Zhaobin, Huang Jian, Hu Lijiang, Liu Changli. 2005 Influencing Factors of Vegetative Propagation ofFraxinus mandshuricaby Rooted Cuttings. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 33(3):5-6 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Shen Hai-Long. Zhang Qun. Fan Shao-Hui. Zhao Ke-Zun. Yang Wen-Hua. 2004 Influence of Community Structural Characteristics of Natural Secondary Forest on the Growth of the Young Trees ofPinus koraiensis. Forest Research, 17(5):610-615 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Shen, Hailong, S. Wadanabe and Y. Ide. Establishment of callus culture system ofPopulus euphratica,Populus. albacv.PyramidalisandPopulus maximowczii×Populus plantierensis. Bull. Tokyo Univ. For., 1998, (99):19-23

Shen Hailong, Ding Baoyong, Shen Guofang, Chen Aimin 1996 Decomposing dynamics of several coniferous and broadleaved litters in mongolian scots pine plantation. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 32(5):393-402 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Shen Hailong, Wang Ke, Xu Chengyang, Zhang Wen The way of restoring and reestablishing broadleaved/coniferous mixed forest ecosystem from secondary forestr of Mongolian oak. J. Northeast For. Univ., (English Edition) 1992, 3(2):47-53

Shen Hailong, Ding Baoyong, Wang Ke, Li Yinying, Xu Chengyang, Zhang Wen. 1992 Analysis of the characteristics and influencial factors on natural regeneration of mongolian scots pine in mountain regions. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 20(4):30-37 (in Chinese with English abstract)

Shen Hailong, Ding Baoyong, Xia Xinchang, Wang Lu, Liu Qiang, Luo Chuanwen, Li Yinying.1991 Studies on the happening and developing characters of manchurian ash population in artificial coniferous communities. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 19(SP.ISS):182-190 (in Chinese with English abstract)


Shen Hailong (Chief Editor)2008.Seedling Growing and Nursery Management. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House (National-wide Text Book)

Shen Hailong (Chief Editor)2005. PlantTissue Culture. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House (National-wide Text Book) .

Shen Hailong (Chief Editor)2009.Ex-vitro rooting and seedling growing technology for tissue cultured micro cuttings. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House


Brief introduction to Prof. Hailong Shen

Dr. Hailong Shen, born in May 1962, professor, Ph.D. supervisor, Academic head of Silviculture Academic Department; Director of State Forestry Administration Engineering Technology Research Center of Korean Pine; PI in State Key Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Breeding, Northeast Forestry University. Obtained Bachelor, Master and Doctor Degrees in 1983, 1989 and 1995 at Jilin Forestry College (Forestry), Northeast Forestry (Silviculture) and Beijing Forestry University (Silviculture) respectively. Senior member of Chinese Society of Forestry, vice president of Pine branch Society, vice secretory of Non-wood Branch Society, and standing committee member of Silviculture Branch Society, Member of National Committee of Tree Seed Stardlization Technology, Member of International Plant Propagator`s Society. Editor and reviewer of Journal of Forestry Research and Scientia Silvae Sinicae, etc. Research Interests and expertise are (1) Principles and technology for seedling growing and nursery management especially focus on that in Northeast China area; (2) Biology and technology for tree propagation focus on sexual reproductive biology and seed physiology, rooted cuttings biology and technology, and molecular and epigenetics aspects of tree tissue culture approaches (especially for commercial application related organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis); (3) Utilization-oriented silviculture systems (Intensive silviculture) for plantations and natural secondary forests especially in Northeast China’s forest region. Research team head for many research projects at national and provincial levels. Publishing more than 220 research papers (20 as SCI), 3 text books (Plant Tissue Culture, Nursery Stock Growing and Nursery management) and 1 research book (Ex vitro rooting and seedling growing for tissue-cultured microcuttings of trees); obtained 1 state award and 7 provincial awards, 11 invention patents and several technical regulations.


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