


发布时间:2018年12月03日 10:18   点击:












(1)孙海龙,张彦东,吴世义.东北温带次生林和落叶松人工林土壤CH_4吸收和N_2O排放通量.生态学报, 2013(17): 5320-5328.

(2)孙海龙,张彦东.采伐干扰对东北温带次生林土壤CH_4通量的影响.应用生态学报, 2013(10): 2737-2745.

(3)孙海龙,吴楚,徐文静,王政权.水曲柳幼苗根系在不同浓度NH_4NO_3溶液中水流导度的变化.植物生态学报, 2005(05): 706-712.

(4)杨博文,孙海龙*,吴楚.低磷胁迫对水曲柳幼苗光合速率与氮素同化的影响.北京林业大学学报, 2015(8):18-23.

(5)付志祥,孙海龙,刘道坤,周林.大兴安岭干旱阳坡土壤水分和养分变异性研究.森林工程, 2014(03): 21-26.

(6)甘秋妹,孙海龙,郑红,郝龙飞,刘婷岩.大兴安岭不同退化阶段土壤和植物C、N、P浓度及其化学计量特征.森林工程, 2013(03): 1-5.

(7)许彦明,张彦东,孙海龙,刘炜洋.水曲柳天然林种群的点格局分析.beat365网站学报, 2014(08): 40-45.

(8)刘云凯,张彦东,孙海龙.干湿交替对东北温带次生林与落叶松人工林土壤有机碳矿化的影响.水土保持学报, 2010(05): 213-217+222.

(9)霍常富,孙海龙,王政权,范志强,赵晓敏.光照和氮营养对水曲柳苗木生长及碳-氮代谢的影响.林业科学, 2009(07): 38-44.

(10)李云红,张彦东,孙海龙.采伐干扰对东北温带次生林土壤碳矿化和活性有机碳的影响.水土保持学报, 2009(06): 139-143.

(11)霍常富,王政权,孙海龙,范志强,赵晓敏.光照和氮交互作用对水曲柳幼苗生长、生物量和氮分配的影响.应用生态学报, 2008(08): 1658-1664.

(12)霍常富,孙海龙,王政权,范志强,赵晓敏.光照和氮营养对水曲柳苗木光合特性的影响.生态学杂志, 2008(08): 1255-1261.





(1)孙志虎,孙海龙,金光泽.大兴安岭森林碳汇计量评价,科学出版社, 2017.9


Hailong Sun – lecturer of Silviculture

School of Forest, Northeast Forestry University

26 Hexing Road

Harbin, 150040

Phone: +86-13796629452 Email: shlong12@126.com

Research Interests:

Forest response to silviculture Nutrient management of forest

Silviculture and global change Tree physiology


Ph.D. 2017 Forest Science, Northeast Forestry University (Title: Effects of harvest methods on soil greenhouse gases and soil carbon storage in the temperate)

M.S. 2005 Forest Science, Northeast Forestry University (Title: Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on photosynthesis and nirtogen assimilation of Fraxinus mandschurica)

B.S. 2002 Biology, Northeast Forestry University

Professional Experience:

2008-now Lecturer, Department of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University.

2005 to 2008 Teaching Assistant, Department of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University.


2015-2017 Forest and human(optional)

2008-2017 Introduction of Silviculture(required)

Research Grants:

7/2017 – 12/2020 National key research and development plan “Site Classification and Evaluation of Pinus sywestris var mongovica Litvin in the northeast of China”, ¥ 300,000, Hailong Sun (PI)

7/2017 – 12/2020 National key research and development plan “Soil nutrient management and Fertilization Application of fraxinus mandshurica plantation” , ¥ 300,000, Hailong Sun (PI)

1/2012 – 12/2016 National Sci-Tech Support Plan “Growth, soil nutrients and microbiology responses to different site and site-treatment in fraxinus mandshurica plantation”, ¥200,000, Hailong Sun(PI)

1/2011 – 12/2015 National Sci-Tech Support Plan “Carbon stock responses to different silviculture treatment in Birch plantation and forest”, ¥300,000, Hailong Sun (PI)

1/2011 – 12/2015 National Sci-Tech Support Plan “The Influence Factors of vegetation Restoration in the Sunny-slope of Great Xing’an Mountain”, ¥300,000, Hailong Sun (PI)

1/2007 – 12/2009 National Natural Science Funds “Greenhouse Gases Flux and Soil Carbon Stock of different harvest treatment in Secondary Forest”, ¥270,000, Zhang Yandong(PI), Hailong Sun, Sun zhihu

Publications and Presentations

1. Huang Shuangshuang, Pei Rongcui, WuYanshuang, Sun Hailong. Soil Microbial Biomass and Enzyme Activities in the Fraxinus Mandshurica Mixed Plantations and Secondary Forest. Journal of Northeast Forestry University. 2016, 44 (9): 69-74.(Chinese)

2. Liu Daokun. Sun Hailong. Gan Qiumei. Na Meng. Soil Physicochemical Properties and Plant SpeciesDiversity of Different Vegetation Degradation Stagesin Arid Sunny-slope of Great Xing'an Mountains. Forest Engineering, 2016, 32(2):1-6. (Chinese)

3. Yang Bowen, Sun Hailong, Wu Chu. Effects of Phosphorus Stress on Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Assimilation of Fraxinus mandshurica Seedlings. Journal of Beijing Forestry University. 2015, 8: 18-23. (Chinese)

4. Chen Honglian, Zhang Yandong, Sun Hailong, Wu Shiyi. Effect of Harvest Cutting on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization in the Temperate Secondary Forests of Northeast China. Journal of Ecology and Rural Environment. 2015, 31(1): 88-93. (Chinese)

5. Fu Zhixiang, Sun Hailong, Liu daokun,Zhou lin. Variability of soil moisture and nutrients in arid sunny hillslope of Great Xing'an Mountains. Forest Engineering, 2014, 30(3):21-26. (Chinese)

6. Gan Qiumei, Sun Hailong, Zheng Hong, Hao Longfei, Liu Tingyan. C、N、P concentrations and stoichiometry of soil and plant at different vegetation degradation stages in Greater xing’an mountains. Forest Engineering, 2013, 29(3):1-5. (Chinese)

7. Sun H L, Zhang Y D, Wu S Y.Methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in temperate secondary forest and larch plantation in Northeastern China.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2013,33(17):5320-5328. (Chinese)

8. SUN Hailong, ZHANG Yandong. Effects of harvest disturbance on soil CH4 flux in a secondary hardwood forest in Northeast China. Chinese Journal Apply Ecology. 2013, 24(10): 2737-2745. (Chinese)

9. Liu Yunkai, Zhang Yandong, Sun Hailong. Effects of Rewetting on Soil Organic Carbon Mineralization in Temperate Secondary Forest and Larix olgensis Plantation of Northeast China. 2010, 24(5): 213-222.


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