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1. 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划课题(GA20B401),农田防护林病害安全高效控制技术,2020.8.1—2023.7.31

2. 高校基金(2572018BW04),杨树应答盐胁迫转录因子基因的筛选及功能分析,2018.1-2022.1

3. 高校基金(2572018BW04),杨树应答盐胁迫转录因子基因的筛选及功能分析,2019.12-2021.12

4. 国家自然科学基因(31570659),杨树转录因子ERF76基因功能分析,2016.01-2019.12

5. “863”(2013AA102701),杨树抗真菌和细菌性病害关键基因的鉴定,2013.01-2017.12

6. 高校基金(DL12CA16),杨树ERF转录因子抗盐胁迫分子机制研究,2011.01-2014.12

7. 黑龙江省教育科学规划重点课题(GJB1421232),基于科研的“线上线下混合教学模式”对员工能力培养的研究与实践,2021.1-2023.12


1. Kai Zhao, Zihan Cheng, Qing Guo, Wenjing Yao, Huajing Liu, Boru Zhou* and Tingbo Jiang. Characterization of the Poplar R2R3-MYB Gene Family and Over - Expression of PsnMYB108 Confers Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Tobacco. Frontiers in Plant Science,2020,10(11):1-16. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.571881

2. Zihan Cheng,Xuemei Zhang,Kai Zhao,Boru Zhou*,Tingbo Jiang. Ectopic expression of a poplar gene NAC13 confers enhanced tolerance to salinity stress in transgenic Nicotiana tabacum. Journal of Plant Research, 2020,7

3. Wenjing Yao, Chuanzhe Li, Shuyan Lin, Jianping Wang, Boru Zhou* and Tingbo Jiang. Transcriptome analysis of salt-responsive and wood-associated NACs in Populussimonii×Populus nigra. BMC Plant Biology, (2020) 20:317.

4. Wenjing Yao, Dawei Zhang, Boru Zhou*, Jianping Wang, Renhua Li , Tingbo Jiang. Over-expression of poplar NAC15 gene enhances wood formation in transgenic tobacco. BMC Plant Biology (2020) 20:12.

5. Zhao K., Zhang X.m., Cheng Z.h., Yao W.j., Li R.h., Jiang T.b., Zhou B.r..2019. Comprehensive analysis of the three-amino-acid-loop-extension gene family and its tissue-differential expression in response to salt stress in poplar. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 136 (2019) 1–12. 2019,1,3.

6. Wang S.J., Yao W.J., Wei H.R., Jiang T. B.,Zhou B.R. 2014. Expression patterns of ERF genes underlying abiotic stresses in Di-Haploid Populus simonii × P. nigra. The Scientific World Journal DOI 10.1155/2014/745091.

7. Zhou B.R., Yao W.J., Wang S.J., Wang X.W., Jiang T.B. 2014. The Metallothionein Gene, TaMT3, from Tamarix androssowii Confers Cd2+ Tolerance in Tobacco. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15: 10398-10409.

8. Zhao K., Zhang D.w., Lv K.w., Zhang X.m., Cheng Z.h.,Li R.h., Zhou B.r., Jiang T.b.. 2019Functional characterization of poplar WRKY75 in salt and osmotic tolerance. Plant Science

9. Zhao K., Zhang X.m., Cheng Z.h., Yao W.j., Li R.h., Jiang T.b., Zhou B.r..2019. Comprehensive analysis of the three-amino-acid-loop-extension gene family and its tissue-differential expression in response to salt stress in poplar. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 136 (2019) 1–12. 2019,1,3.

10. Zhao K., Li S.x., Yao W.j., Zhou B.r., Li R.h. ,Jiang T.b. 2018 Characterization of the basic helix–loop–helix gene family and its tissue-differential expression in response to salt stress in poplar. Peer j. DOI 10.7717/peerj. Published 14 March 2018

11. Yao W.J., Zhang X.M.,Zhou B.R., Zhao K., Li R.H., Jiang T.B. 2017. Expression pattern of ERF gene family under multiple abiotic stresses in Populus simonii × P. nigra. Fronters in Plant Science. 8: 181. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00181

12. Wang S.J., Yao W.J.,Zhou B.R., Jiang T.B. 2016. Structure analysis and expression pattern of the ERF transcription factor family in poplar. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 38: 239. DOI 10.1007/s11738-016-2242-3

13. Yao W.J., Wang L.,Zhou B.R., Wang S.J., Li R.H., Jiang T.B. 2016. Over-expression of poplar transcription factor ERF76 gene confers salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Journal of Plant Physiology. 198: 23-31. DOI:10.1016/j.jplph.2016.03.015

14. Yao W.J., Wang S.J.,Zhou B.R., Jiang T.B. 2016. Transgenic poplar overexpressing the endogenous transcription factor ERF76 gene improves salinity tolerance. Tree Physiology. 36(7): 896-908. DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpw004

15. Yao W.J., Wang S.J.,Zhou B.R., Jiang T.B. 2016. The Tamarix ferritin gene confers low-iron tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant growth regulation. 80(2): 149-158. DOI: 10.1007/s10725-016-0151-5

16. Wang S.J., Wang J.Y., Yao W.J.,Zhou B.R., Jiang T.B. 2016. Expression patterns of WRKY genes in di-haploid Populus simonii × P. nigrain response to osmotic stress and ABA treatment. Plant growth regulation. 78(3): 325-333. DOI: 10.1007/s10725-015-0095-1

17. Hao W., Wang S.J., Liu H.J.,Zhou B.R., Wang X.W., Jiang T.B. 2015. Development of SSR Markers and Genetic Diversity in White Birch (Betula platyphylla). PLOS ONE 10(4): e0125235.

18. Li R.H., Hempel L.U., Jiang T.B. 2015. A Non-Parametric Peak Calling Algorithm for DamID-Seq. PLOS ONE 10(3): e0117415.

19. Wang S.J., Wang J.Y., Yao W.J.,Zhou B.R., Li R.H., Jiang T.B. 2014. Expression patterns of WRKY genes in di-haploid Populus simonii × P. nigra in response to salinity stress revealed by quantitative real-time PCR and RNA sequencing. Plant Cell Reports 33: 1687-1696. DOI 10.1007/s00299-014-1647-y

20. Wang S.J., Yao W.J., Wei H.R., Jiang T. B.,Zhou B.R. 2014. Expression patterns of ERF genes underlying abiotic stresses in Di-Haploid Populus simonii × P. nigra. The Scientific World Journal DOI 10.1155/2014/745091. 2014,3:1-10

21. Jiang T.B.,Zhou B.R., Luo M., Abbas H.K., Kemerait R., Lee R.D., Scully B.T., Guo B.Z. 2011. Expression analysis of stress-related genes in kernels of different maize (Zea mays L) inbred lines with different resistance to aflatoxin contamination. Toxins 3(6): 538-550.

22. Wang L.,Zhou B.R., Wu L.L., Guo B.Z., Jiang T.B. 2011. Differentially expressed genes in Populus simonii × Populus nigra in response to NaCl stress using cDNA-AFLP. Plant Science 180: 796-801.

23. Jiang T.B.,Zhou B.R., Gao F.L., Guo B.Z. 2011. Genetic linkage maps of white birches (Betula platyphylla Suk. and B. pendula Roth) based on RAPD and AFLP markers. Molecular Breeding 27(3): 347-356.

24. 吕澈妍,周博如,王雷,吴丽丽,姜廷波. 2009.用AFLP标记构建白桦遗传连锁图谱.植物生理学通讯45(8): 775-780.

25. 王雷,周博如,吴丽丽,吕澈妍,曲跃军,郑威,姜廷波. 2009.小黑杨环锌指蛋白基因的克隆与表达分析.植物生理学通讯45(12): 1160-1166.

26. 周博如,王雷,吴丽丽,姜廷波. 2010.转金属硫蛋白基因( MT1)烟草耐NaCl胁迫能力.生态学报30(15): 4103-4108.

27. 周博如,吴丽丽,丁宝健,姜廷波. 2010.烟草内源铁蛋白NtFer1和NtFer2的相互作用.植物生理学通讯46(8): 824-828.

28. 张月,韩雅婷,胡号东,廖诗贤,周博如. 2019.小黑杨应答叶枯病胁迫基因差异表达.beat365网站学报

29. 吕冠斌,赵凯,刘悦,姜廷波,周博如. 2020.小黑杨MYB122基因生物信息学及表达.beat365网站学报

30. 刘悦,赵凯,吕冠斌, 姜廷波, 周博如. 2020.杨树ERF11转录因子基因应答渗透胁迫表达分析.植物研究.


1. 主编《农药及林木有害生物化学防治技术》

2. 主编《森林病理学实验实习指导》


1. 2020年荣获beat365网站优秀本科生指导教师奖

2. 2020年《植物病害流行与预测预报》精品在线课程被授予“beat365网站一流本科课程”称号

3. 2019年《植物病害流行与预测预报》被授予“beat365网站精品在线开放课程”称号

4. 2019荣获beat365网站教学质量二等奖

5. 2018年荣获黑龙江省在线开放课程优秀教师奖

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7. 2005年荣获黑龙江省高等学校教学软件制作竞赛三等奖


1. 发明专利:柽柳铁蛋白基因的cDNA序列及其编码的氨基酸序列.专利号: ZL200910072120.1;公开年度: 2011;发明人:姜廷波,周博如,王玉成,王雷,曲跃军,丁宝建





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