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1. 2021.01-2024.12.国家自然科学基金面上项目(32071533). “植物性状种内变异对阔叶红松林性状协作与群落结构的影响”.主持.

2. 2020.01-2023.12.国家科技基础资源调查专项(2019FY202300). “中国植被志(针叶林卷)编研”的专题“红松林、长白松林、兴凯赤松林、东北红豆杉林编研”.主持.

3. 2019.01-2023.12.“森林生态与保护创新研究团队”头雁计划,参加.

4. 2019.01-2022.12.国家自然科学基金面上项目(31870399)“邻体和生境作用对阔叶红松林群落动态变化的影响机制”.主持.

5. 2018.01-2022.12.国家自然科学基金重点项目(31730015)“基于森林动态监测样地的阔叶红松林生产力时空格局与维持机制研究”.参加(2).

6. 2017.03-2021.02.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金-创新团队与重大项目培育资金项目(2572017EA02) “干扰对阔叶红松林结构与生态服务功能的影响”.主持.

7. 2013.01-2016.12.国家自然科学基金面上项目(31270473)“阔叶红松林粗木质残体对幼苗更新的影响”.主持.


1. Jiang F, Lutz JA, Guo QX, Hao ZQ, Wang XG, Gilbert GS, Mao ZK, Orwig DA, Parker GG, Sang WG, Liu YK, Tian SY, Cadotte MW,Jin GZ*(2021) Mycorrhizal type influences plant density dependence and species richness across 15 temperate forests.Ecology, 102, e03259.

2. Liu ZL, Li B,Jin GZ*(2021) Scale-dependent changes in the contributions of biotic and abiotic factors to leaf area index in a natural forest in northeast China.Forest Ecology and Management, 479, 118540.

3. Jiang F, Zhu K, Marc W. Cadotte,Jin GZ*(2020) Tree mycorrhizal type mediates the strength of negative density dependence in temperate forests.Journal of Ecology,108, 2601–2610.

4. Liu ZL, Hikosaka K, Li FR,Jin GZ*(2020) Variations in leaf economics spectrum traits for an evergreen coniferous species: tree size dominates over environment factors.Functional Ecology, 34, 458–467.

5. Pu XC, Umaña MN,Jin GZ*(2020) Trait-mediated neighbor effects on plant survival depend on life stages and stage-specific traits in a temperate forest.Forest Ecology and Management, 472, 118250.

6. Cai HY, Li Fengri,Jin GZ*(2020) Soil nutrients, forest structure and species traits drive aboveground carbon dynamics in an old-growth temperate forest.Science of the Total Environment, 705, 135875.

7. Cai HY, Li FR,Jin GZ*(2020) Forest strata-dependent effects of vegetation attributes and soil nutrients on decadal changes in aboveground net carbon stock in two temperate forests.Catena, 194, 104776.

8. Yang DX, Song L,Jin GZ*(2019) The soil C:N:P stoichiometry is more sensitive than the leaf C:N:P stoichiometry to nitrogen addition: a four-year nitrogen addition experiment in aPinus koraiensisplantation.Plant and Soil, 442, 183–198.

9. Cai HY, Li FR,Jin GZ*(2019) Fine root biomass, production and turnover rates in plantations versus natural forests: effects of stand characteristics and soil properties.Plant and Soil, 436, 463–474.

10. Dina Oktavia,Jin GZ*(2019) Species-habitat association affects demographic variation across different life stages in an old-growth temperate forest.Perspective in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 40, 125482.

11. Zhu Y, Liu ZL,Jin GZ*(2019) Evaluating individual-based tree mortality modeling with temporal observation data collected from a large forest plot.Forest Ecology and Management, 450, 117496.

12. Liu ZL, Jiang F, Li FR,Jin GZ*(2019) Coordination of intra and inter-species leaf traits according to leaf phenology and plant age for three temperate broadleaf species with different shade tolerances.Forest Ecology and Management, 434, 63–75.

13. Liu ZL, Jiang F, Zhu Y, Li FR,Jin GZ*(2018) Spatial heterogeneity of leaf area index in a temperate old-growth forest: Spatial autocorrelation dominates over biotic and abiotic factors.Science of the Total Environment, 634, 287–295.

14. Han MG, Shi BK,Jin GZ*(2018)Conversion of primary mixed forest into secondary forest and coniferous plantations: effects on temporal dynamics of soil CO2efflux.Catena, 162, 157–165.

15. Pu XC,Jin GZ*(2018) Conspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent survival differs across life stages in two temperate old-growth forests in Northeast China.Forest Ecology and Management, 424, 95–104.

16. Jiang F, Xun YH, Cai HY,Jin GZ*(2018) Functional traits can improve our understanding of niche- and dispersal-based processes.Oecologia, 186, 783–792.

17. Zhu Y, Cai HY, Jiang F,Jin GZ*(2017) Variation of the biotic neighbourhood and topographic effects on tree survival in an old-growth temperate forest.Journal of Vegetation Science, 28, 1166–1177.

18.ZhuY,J. Aaron Hogan, Cai HY, Xun YH, Jiang F,Jin GZ*(2017) Biotic and abiotic drivers of the tree growth and mortality trade-off in an old-growth temperate forest.Forest Ecology and Management, 404, 354–360.

19. Shi BK,Jin GZ*(2016)Variability of soil respiration at different spatial scales in temperate forests.Biology and Fertility of Soils, 52, 561–571.

20. Shi BK, Gao WF, Cai HY,Jin GZ*(2016) Spatial variation of soil respiration is linked to the forest structure and soil parameters in an old-growth mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest in northeastern China.Plant and Soil, 400, 263–274.


1. 史宝库,金光泽. 2020.东北典型森林土壤呼吸的时空动态.中国林业出版社,18万字.

2. 金光泽,朱宇. 2020.典型阔叶红松林树木死亡动态与物种共存机制.科学出版社,25万字.

3. 刘志理,金光泽. 2016.东北典型森林叶面积指数的计量研究.科学出版社,21.9万字.


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6. 2019年“黑龙江典型森林叶面积指数的计量研究”黑龙江省自然科学三等奖(1)

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Jin Guangze, PhD in Agricultural Science, Professor, Doctoral supervisor. Longjiang Distinguished Professor, Director of the Department of Ecological Sciences, Vice Director for Center for Ecological Research. He has long been engaged in the research of forest ecology, and recently he mainly carried out the influence of disturbance on the structure, function and dynamics of the mixed broadleaved-Korean pine forest. He successively chaired 4 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 key project of the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, public welfare projects of the forestry industry, the 11th Five-Year Plan, 12th Five-Year Plan, and 13th Five-Year Plan and a total of more than twenty projects. He published more than 180 papers (SCI collected 75 papers), published 6 monographs, obtained 5 national invention patents and 3 utility model patents, won a second prize of scientific and technological progress in Heilongjiang Province, a second prize of natural science in Heilongjiang Province, and a second prize of Liangxi Forestry Science and Technology. He teaches courses in general ecology, forest ecology, and ecological methodology. Up to now, there are 7 doctoral graduates and 51 masters


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