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1. 黑龙江省头雁行动计划:森林生态与保护创新团队,2019-2023, 300万元(团队总经费3000万,10人)

2. 国家自然科学基金(41877426):中国典型温带森林针阔叶树木生长对升温响应差异的树轮解剖机理研究,2019.1-2022.12, 62万元。

3. 中央高校项目高层次人才发展专项(2572017DG02):“阔叶红松林主要树种树轮解剖特征中的环境信号研究”,2018.1-2019.12, 45万。

4. 国家重点研发计划“全球变化及应对”重点专项(2016YFA0600800)第3课题的子任务:中国北方森林和草地生态系统碳氮耦合循环与碳源汇效应研究,2016.6-2020.12,70万元。

5. 国家自然科学基金(41471168):东北三大硬阔树轮对气候变化响应的时空规律研究,2015.1-2018.12, 82万元。

6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2572014DA05):东北三大硬阔年轮-气候响应的时空规律,2014-2017,29万元

7. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-12-0810):小兴安岭不同生境红松年轮-气候关系及其衰退的气候驱动机制,2013.01-2015.12,50万元。

8. 国家自然科学基金(30970481):大兴安岭北部兴安落叶松林火灾-气候同步性与变异性的树轮火疤记录研究,2010.01-2012.12,29万元

9. 国家自然科学基金(30770407):基于树木年轮重建大兴安岭北部近300年森林火灾历史,2008.1-1008.12,8万元。


1. Liangjun Zhu, David J. Cooper, Shijie Han, Jingwen Yang, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li, Huiying Zhao,Xiaochun Wang*.Influence of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation on drought innorthern Daxing’an Mountains, Northeast China.Catena, 2021, 198: 105017.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.105017

2. Yijin Zhao, Maierdang Keyimu, Zongshan Li*, Yongzhe Chen, Jingshu Wei,Xiaochun Wang, Zexin Fan. Summer mean temperature reconstruction during the past 285 years based on tree-ring in northern Gaoligong Mountains, northwestern Yunnan of China. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 103(1): 69-82.https://doi.org/10.1080/04353676.2020.1854012

3. Maierdang Keyimu, Zongshan Li*, Guohua Liu, Bojie Fu, Zexin Fan,Xiaochun Wang, Xiuchen Wu, Yuandong Zhang, Umut Halik. Tree-ring based minimum temperature reconstruction on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2020, 251, 106712.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106712

4. Liangjun Zhu, David J. Cooper, Danyang Yuan, Zongshan Li, Yuandong Zhang, Hanxue Liang,Xiaochun Wang*.Regional scale temperature rather than precipitation determines vessel features in earlywood of Manchurian ash in temperate forests.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2020,125, e2020JG005955,https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG005955

5. Wenqi Song, Changcheng Mu, Yuandong Zhang*, Xu Zhang, Zongshan Li, Huiying Zhao,Xiaochun Wang*.Moisture-driven changes in the sensitivity of the radial growth ofPicea crassifoliato temperature, northeastern Tibetan Plateau.Dendrochronologia, 2020, 64: 125761https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2020.125761

6. Jingwen Yang, David J. Cooper, Zongshan Li, Wenqi Song, Yuandong Zhang, Binqing Zhao, Shijie Han*,Xiaochun Wang*. Differences in tree and shrub growth responses to climate change in a boreal forest in China.Dendrochronologia, 2020, 63: 125744.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2020.125744

7. Sarir Ahmad, Liangjun Zhu, Sumaira Yasmeen, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li, Sami Ullah, Shijie Han*,Xiaochun Wang*.A 424-year tree-ring based PDSI reconstruction ofCedrus deodara D. Don from ChitralHindukush Range of Pakistan: linkages to the ocean oscillations.Climate of the Past, 2020, 16, 783-798.https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-16-783-2020

8. 苑丹阳,赵慧颖,李宗善,朱良军,国淼,张远东,王晓春*.伊春地区红松和红皮云杉径向生长对气候变化的响应.生态学报. 2020, 40(4): 1150-1160.https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201812292845

9. Maierdang Keyimu, Zongshan Li*, Yijin Zhao, Yanjun Dong, Bojie Fu, Zexin Fan, Xiaochun Wang. Reconstruction of maximum temperature on Zhegu Mountain, western Sichuan Plateau. Climate Research, 2020, 81: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.3354/cr01606.

10. Maierdang Keyimu, Zongshan Li*, Guoshuai Zhang, Zexin Fan,Xiaochun Wang, Bojie Fu. Tree ring-based minimum temperature reconstruction in the central Hengduan Mountains, China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2020, 141: 359-370.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-020-03169-5

11. Zongshan Li, Maierdang Keyimu, Zexin Fan,Xiaochun Wang. Climate sensitivity of conifer growth doesn’t reveal distinct low-high dipole along the elevation gradient in the Wolong National Natural Reserve, SW China. Dendrochronologia, 2020, 61: 125702.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2020.125702.

12. 张国帅,买尔当·克依木,焦磊,高光耀,李宗善*,王晓春.黄土高原多年生草本物种根部导水结构及空间分异特征.生态学报,2020,40(14): 4883-4893.

13. Sumaira Yasmeen,Xiaochun Wang*, Huiying Zhao, Liangjun Zhu, Danyuan Yuan, Zongshan Li, Yuandong Zhang, Sarir Ahmad, Shijie Han*. Contrasting climate-growth relationship betweenLarix gmeliniiandPinus sylvestrisvar.mongolicaalong a latitudinal gradient in Daxing’an Mountains, China.Dendrochronologia, 2019, 58, 125645.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2019.125645.

14. Xiaochun Wang*, Neil Pederson, Zhenju Chen, Kathryn Lawton, Chen Zhu, Shijie Han. Recent rising temperatures drive younger and southern Korean pine growth decline.Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 649, 1105-1116.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.393.

15. Mingming Guo, Yuandong Zhang*, Shirong Liu*, Fengxue Gu,Xiaochun Wang, Zongshan Li, Chunming Shi, Zexin Fan. Divergent growth between spruce and fir at alpine treelines on the east edge of the Tibetan Plateau in response to recent climate warming.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 276-277, 107631.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2019.107631

16. 苑丹阳,朱良军,张远东,李宗善,赵慧颖,王晓春*.吉林老白山鱼鳞云杉树轮蓝光强度和轮宽指数与气候响应关系随海拔变化的对比.植物生态学报. 2019, 43(12): 1061-1078.https://doi.org/10.17521/cjpe.2019.0257

17. 孙振静,赵慧颖,朱良军,李宗善,张远东,王晓春*.大兴安岭北部不同降水梯度下兴安落叶松生长对升温的响应差异.北京林业大学学报. 2019, 41(6): 1-14.https://doi.org/10.13332/ j.1000-1522. 20190007

18. 韩金生,赵慧颖,朱良军,张远东,李宗善,王晓春*.小兴安岭蒙古栎和黄菠萝径向生长对气候变化的响应比较.应用生态学报, 2019, 30(7): 2218-2230.https://doi.org/10.13287/j.1001-9332.201907.012

19. 郭滨德,王晓春*,张远东.阈值温度和积温对川西高原林线岷江冷杉径向生长的影响.生态学报, 2019, 39(3): 895-904.https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201803300686

20. 任丽媛,李宗善*,王晓春.基于根部年轮与导管特征的黄土高原苜蓿生长衰退原因分析.生态学报, 2019, 39(3): 1041-1051.

21. 韦景树,李宗善*,冯晓玙,张园,陈维梁,伍星,焦磊,王晓春.黄土高原人工刺槐林生长衰退的生态生理机制.应用生态学报, 2018, 29(7): 2433-2444.https://doi.org/10.13287/ j.1001-9332 .201807.037

22. 韦景树,李宗善*,焦磊,伍星,陈维梁,王晓春,王帅.黄土高原羊圈沟小流域人工和自然物种径向生长对气候变化的响应差异.生态学报, 2018, (22).https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201801100079.

23. Liangjun Zhu, Qichao Yao, David J. Cooper,Xiaochun Wang*. Response ofPinus sylvestrisvar.mongolicato water change and drought history reconstruction in the past 260 years, northeast China.Climate of the past, 2018, 4, 1213-1228,https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-14-1213-2018

24. Liangjun Zhu, David J. Cooper, Jingwen Yang, Xu Zhang,Xiaochun Wang*. Rapid warming induces the contrasting growth of Yezo spruce (Picea jezoensisvar.microsperma) at two elevation gradient sites of northeast China.Dendrochronologia, 2018, 50, 52-63.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2018.05.002

25. Liangjun Zhu,Xiaochun Wang*, Neil Pederson, Zhenju Chen, David J. Cooper, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li. Spatial variability in growth-climate relationships of Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense) and their connections with PDO in northeast China.Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 2018, 123, 1625-1636.https://doi.org/10.1029/2017JG004292

26. Jinwen Yang, Huiying Zhao, Zongshan Li, Yuandong Zhang,Xiaochun Wang*. Climate-growth relationship for different directions ofPinus pumilaradial growth at treeline of Xiaobai Mountain, northern Daxing’an Mountains, China.Trees, 2018, 32: 311-322. Doi: 10.1007/s00468-017-1633-4

27. Andrea Seim, Johannes A. Schultz, Christoph Beck, Achim Bräuning, Paul Krusic, Caroline Leland, Oyunsanaa Byambasuren, Eryuan Liang,Xiaochun Wang, Jee-Hoon Jeong, Hans W. Linderholm. Evaluation of tree growth relevant atmospheric circulation patterns for geopotential height field reconstructions for Asia.Journal of Climate, 31, 4391-4401.https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0164.1

28. Yuandong Zhang, Mingming Guo,Xiaochun Wang, Fengxue Gu, Shirong Liu*. Divergent tree growth response to recent climate warming ofAbies faxonianaat alpine treelines in east edge of Tibetan Plateau.Ecological Research, 2018, 33(2): 303-311.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11284-017-1538-0.

29. Mingming Guo, Yuandong Zhang*,Xiaochun Wang, Fengxue Gu, Shirong Liu*. 2018. The responses of dominant tree species to climate warming at the treeline on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau.Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 425, 21-26.

30. 张旭,宋文琦,赵慧颖,朱良军,王晓春*.小兴安岭南部臭冷杉红松林树轮指数记录的7月NDVI变化.北京林业大学学报, 2018, 40(12): 9-17.

31. 任丽媛,李宗善*,王晓春,石松林,顾卓欣,杨婧雯.黄土高原多年生草本根部年轮特征.生态学报, 2018, 38(9): 3195-3207.https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201709071618

32. 宋文琦,朱良军,张旭,王晓春*,张远东*.青藏高原东北部不同降水梯度下高山林线祁连圆柏径向生长与气候关系的比较.植物生态学报, 2018, 42(1): 66-77.

33. Andrea Seim, Johannes Schultz, Caroline Leland, Nicole Davi, Oyunsanaa Byambasuren, Eryuan Liang,Xiaochun Wang, Christoph Beck, Hans W. Linderholm, Neil Pederson. Synoptic-scale circulation patterns during summer derived from tree rings in mid-latitude Asia.Climate Dynamics, 2017, 49(5-6): 1917-1931.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-016-3426-7(SCI一区, IF=4.708).

34.Shanna Lyu,Xiaochun Wang*, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li. Different responses of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and Mongolia oak (Quercus mongolica) growth to recent climate warming in northeast China.Dendrochronologia, 2017, 45, 113-122.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2017.08.002

35. Qichao Yao, Peter M. Brown, Shirong Liu, Monique Rocca, Valerie Trouet, Ben Zheng, Haonan Chen, Yinchao Li, Duanyang Liu,Xiaochun Wang*. Pacific-Atlantic Ocean influence on wildfires in northeast China (1774 to 2010).Geophysical Research Letters, 2017, 44, 1025–1033.https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GL071821

36. Xiaochun Wang, Minghua Zhang, Ying Ji, Zongshan Li, Mu Li, Yuandong Zhang*. Temperature signals in tree-ring width and divergent growth of Korean pine response to recent climate warming in northeast Asia.Trees, 2017, 31(2): 415-427.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00468-015-1341-x

37. Liangjun Zhu, Zongshan Li, Yuandong Zhang,Xiaochun Wang*. A 211-year growing season temperature reconstruction using tree-ring width in Zhangguangcai Mountains, Northeast China: linkages to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.International Journal of Climatology, 2017, 37, 3145-3153.https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.4906 (SCI二区, IF=3.609).

38. 朱良军,李宗善,王晓春*.树轮木质部解剖特征及其与环境变化的关系.植物生态学报, 2017, 41(2): 238-251.https://doi.org/10.17521/cjpe.2016.0198

39. 苏金娟,王晓春*.张广才岭北部三大硬阔树木生长-气候关系的时空变异.生态学报, 2017, 37(5): 1484-1495.https://doi.org/10.5846/STXB201509251973

40. 刘玉佳,顾卓欣,王晓春*.模拟气候变暖对东北兴安落叶松径向生长的影响.生态学报,2017, 37(8): 2684-2693.https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201512172515

41.Shanna Lyu, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li,Xiaochun Wang*. A 414-year tree-ring-based April–July minimum temperature reconstruction and its implications for the extreme climate events, northeast China.Climate of the Past, 2016, 12: 1879-1888.https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-12-1879-2016 (SCI二区, IF=3.638).

42.Liangjun Zhu, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li,Binde Guo,Xiaochun Wang*. A 368-year maximum temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring data in the northwestern Sichuan Plateau (NWSP), China.Climate of the Past, 2016, 12: 1485-1498.https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-12-1485-2016 (SCI二区, IF=3.638).

43. Songlin Shi, Zongshan Li, Hao Wang, Georg von Arx, Yihe Lü, Xing Wu,Xiaochun Wang, Guohua Liu, Bojie Fu. Roots of forbs sense climate fluctuations in the semi-arid Loess Plateau: Herb-chronology based analysis.Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 28435.https://doi.org/10.1038/srep28435(SCI二区, IF=5.228).

44. Songlin Shi, Zongshan Li, Hao Wang, Xing Wu, Shuai Wang,Xiaochun Wang, Guohua Liu, Bojie Fu. Comparative analysis of annual rings of perennial forbs in the Loess Plateau, China.Dendrochronologia, 2016, 38: 82-89.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dendro.2016.03.010

45. 闫国永,邢亚娟,王晓春,韩士杰,王庆贵.氮沉降对细根动态和形态特征的影响研究进展.中国农学通报, 2016, 32(15): 79-85.

46. 闫国永,王晓春,邢亚娟,韩士杰,王庆贵.兴安落叶松林细根解剖结构和化学组分对N沉降的响应.北京林业大学学报, 2016, 38(4): 36-43.https://doi.org/10.13332/J.1000-1522.20150433.

47. 朱良军,金光泽,杜文先,王晓春*.小兴安岭凉水典型阔叶红松林林冠干扰特征分析.北京林业大学学报, 2016,38 (6): 17-27.https://doi.org/10.13332/j.1000-1522.20150458.

48. 郭滨德,张远东,王晓春*. 川西高原不同坡向云、冷杉树轮对快速升温的响应差异.应用生态学报, 2016, 27(2): 354-364.


1. 陈吉泉,阳树英.陆地生态系统研究方法.高等教育出版社, 2014.1.本人主编第7章。

2. 何淼,王晓春,杨广乐.观赏植物学.beat365网站出版社, 2011.8.

3. 杨春雪,王晓春.植物生物学基础.beat365网站出版社, 2006.3.

4. 国庆喜,王晓春,孙龙.植物生态学实验实习方法.beat365网站出版社, 2004.4.


1. 徐文远,张彦妮,孙龙,刘德海,穆立蔷,何淼,常兵,刘铁冬,王晓春.黑龙江省公路路基边坡生态防护技术及景观建设.黑龙江省科技进步二等奖. 2013.11

2. 徐文远,张彦妮,孙龙,刘德海,穆立蔷,何淼,常兵,刘铁冬,王晓春.黑龙江省公路路基边坡生态防护技术及景观建设.黑龙江省高校科学技术奖励二等奖. 2013.11

3. 金光泽、邸雪颖、王晓春等,培养本科生创新能力的森林生态学研究型教学改革与实践.黑龙江省高等教育学会“十一五”规划课题三等奖,2010.6

4. 国庆喜、孙龙、王晓春《生态学教学多媒体课件开发及网站建设》,黑龙江省高等学校教学成果二等奖,2003.7

5. 国庆喜、孙龙、王晓春《生态学教学多媒体课件开发及网站建设》,beat365网站教学优秀成果二等奖,2003.6

6. 杨春雪、王晓春.《植物生物学基础》获“中国林业教育学会第二届高、中等院校林(农)类优秀教材奖”2008.4


1. 发明专利:王晓春,朱良军,高文杰,张彦妮.一种便携式树木年轮样品存放及运输装置. ZL201610235823.1 (授权公告号:CN105928736B)


1. 主办:第五届中国树木年轮学术研讨会。黑龙江·哈尔滨,2018117日至21日。哈尔滨银河大酒店。

2. 王晓春.Different response and adaptions of xylem anatomical characteristics ofFraxinus mandshuricato rapid warming in warm-dry and cold-wet environments.国际木材解剖学家协会(IAWA)中国分会第七届学术研讨会. 2020.11.28-11.29.中国杭州.主题报告。

3. 王晓春.吉林老白山鱼鳞云杉树轮蓝光强度和年轮指数与气候响应关系随海拔变化的对比.第18届中国生态学大会,2019年11月28日-12月1日,云南·昆明.

4. 王晓春.Differential responses of coniferous and broad-leaved tree growth to recent warming in the broad-leaved Korean pine forests.第七届中国林业学术大会,2019年11月8日-11日,江苏南京,分会场特邀主题报告。

5. 王晓春.关于中国树木年轮研究的思考.第六届中国树木年轮学大会,2019年10月23日-27日,云南,西双版纳。分会场报告。

6. Xiaochun Wang.Temperature rather than precipitation limits vessel features in earlywood and radial growth of Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) in temperate forests. The EuroDendro Conference in 2019. Host by Mendel University in Brno. 9-13 September, 2019, Brno, Czech Republic.分会场报告.

7. 王晓春.东北主要树种径向生长对气候变化的响应.中国科学院植物研究所香山论坛,2019年8月14日,北京,香山。特邀报告。

8. 王晓春.温度而不是水分限制水曲柳早材导管特征.第九届全国青年生态学工作者学术研讨会. 2019年1月10-13日,福建·厦门。分会场报告。

9. 王晓春.Recent rising temperatures drive younger and southern Korean pine growth decline.第六届中国林业学术大会, 2018年11月14-17日,湖南·长沙。分会场报告。

10. 王晓春.Rising temperatures drive fire activity and economic loss in China.第十三届中国林业青年学术年会, 2018年6月1-4日,江西南昌。分会场特邀报告。

11. Xiaochun Wang. Inverse phase relationship between the East and South Asian Monsoon over the past millennium and unprecedented weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon in recent decades.TRACE(Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology) 2018 Conference, April 24-27, 2018, Greifswald, Germany.分会场报告。Hosted byInstitute of Botany and Landscape Ecology, University of Greifswald), in cooperation with the Association for Tree-Ring Research (ATR).

12. Xiaochun Wang. Contrasting responses of conifer and broadleaved tree growth to recent climate warming in northeast China. International Workshop on Ecosystem N Cycling under Climate Change.Shenyang, China, March 7, 2018.特邀报告。

13. Xiaochun Wang.Inverse response of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and Mongolia oak (Quercus mongolica) growth to recent warming in northeast China. EuroDendro 2017 Conference, 2017. Sep. 6-10, Tartu, Estonia. Orgnised by the University of Tartu and the Estonian University of Life Sciences.

14. Xiaochun Wang. Response of radial growth for five major coniferous tree species to climate warming in China and potential cooperation research areas. International Conference on China-GEECs Forestry Research and Education Cooperation. 2017, Oct. 29-11.1, Beijing, China.

15. Xiaochun Wang. Response of the radial growth of major tree species to rapid warming in northeast China. International Symposium on Sustainable Forest Management in the Context of Global Change. Hosted by IUFRO, NEFU and ESC. Aug. 1-3, 2017. Harbin, China

16. 朱良军,王晓春*.近千年东亚与南亚季风相位关系及其影响因素. 2017年全国自然地理学大会. 2017.11.19-22.中国,南京。

17. Xiaochun Wang. Attend the Climate, Ecology and Tree Growth, September 25-30, 2016. Petershan, Harvard Forest, MA, USA.





Dr. Xiaochun Wang, Professor in Ecology.I am mainly interested in using tree rings to explore past climate and environmental changes. First, I use tree rings to reconstruct the climate history of Northeast China, mastering the regime of past climate change, and especially focus on judging whether the current climate change is abnormal, and provide basic data for predicting future climate change. Secondly, through the analysis of tree xylem anatomical characteristics, we explored how tree growth responds to and adapts to climate change


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