


发布时间:2022年12月09日 14:59   点击:


















1. Wang X, Song H, Liu F, Quan X, Wang C*. 2022. Timing of leaf fall and changes in litter nutrient concentration compromise estimates of nutrient fluxes and nutrient resorption efficiency. Forest Ecology and Management, 513: 120188.

2. Wang X#, Wang Q#, Chen Y, Zhao R, Zhang J, Quan X, Wang C*. 2022. Coloration and phenology manifest nutrient variability in senesced leaves of 46 temperate deciduous woody species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15: 700-710.

3. Wang X, Liu F, Wang C. 2022. Radiation and energy balance on a hillslope forest: horizontal versus slope-parallel installation of radiometer. Journal of Mountain Science, 19(11): 3076-3087.

4. Sun X, Liu F, Zhang Q, Li Y, Zhang L, Wang J, Zhang H, Wang C,Wang X*. 2021. Biotic and climatic controls on interannual variation in canopy litterfall of a species-rich deciduous broad-leaved forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 306: 108483

5. Liu F.,Wang X*, Wang C and Zhang Q. 2021. Environmental and biotic controls on the interanual variations in CO2fluxes of a continental monsoon temperate forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 296: 108232

6. Liu F, Wang C.Wang X*. 2021. Sampling protocols of specific leaf area for improving accuracy of the estimation of forest leaf area index. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 298–299: 108286

7. Wang X, Chen Y, Liu, F, Zhao R, Quan X and Wang C*. 2020. Nutrient resorption estimation compromised by leaf mass loss and area shrinkage: Variations and solutions. Forest Ecology and Management, 472, 118232

8. Wang X#, Liu F#, Wang C*. 2019. Towards a standardized protocol for measuring leaf area index in deciduous forests with litterfall collection. Forest Ecology and Management, 447: 87-94

9. Wang X, Wang C*, Bond-Lamberty B. 2017. Quantifying and reducing the differences in forest CO2-fluxes estimated by eddy covariance, biometric and chamber methods: A global synthesis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 247: 93-103

10. Wang X, Wang C*, Guo Q, Wang J. 2016. Improving the CO2storage measurements with a single profile system in a tall-dense-canopy temperate forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 228–229: 327-338

11. Wang XC, Wang CK*, Zhang QZ, Quan XK. 2010. Heartwood and sapwood allometry of seven Chinese temperate tree species. Annals of Forest Science, 67(4), Article number 410.

12. Wang XC, Wang CK*, Yu GR. 2008. Spatio-temporal patterns of forest carbon dioxide exchange based on global eddy covariance measurements. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 51(8):1129-1143


1. 王兴昌.山地森林涡动通量观测关键技术:以帽儿山温带森林为例.中国水利水电出版社, 2019.北京. 128pp.


1. 王兴昌,刘志理,全先奎,张全智,金鹰.东北温带森林生态系统生产力形成及其调控机制.beat365网站成栋自然科学奖,二等奖, 2022

2. 王传宽,张全智,王兴昌,全先奎,桑运荣,东北典型森林碳循环与碳计量,黑龙江省人民政府,黑龙江省自然科学技术奖,二等奖, 2016





Xingchang Wang, Doctor of Ecology, Associated professor, Doctoral supervisor.Major topics

1. Tree and ecosystem ecophysiology: including biomass production and allocation, nutrient resorption, ecological stoichiometry, and plant traits

2. Forest micrometeorology and carbon, water, and energy fluxes measurements on complex conditions

Current interests

1. Structure and function of natural secondary forests at the organ, individual and ecosystem scales; Carbon cycle methodology at the organ, individual and ecosystem scales in the forest ecosystem;

2. The application of eddy covariance technology to observe forest carbon and water energy flux, especially for complex terrain, cold climate, forest canopy and other complex conditions;

3. Near surface remote sensing by photography, broad-band vegetation index for tracking seasonal and interannual variation in GPP and canopy physiology;

4. Other areas of interest include plant traits, allometric relationships and ecological stoichiometry.

Contact information

E-mail: xcwang_cer@nefu.edu.cn


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