


发布时间:2018年12月03日 12:02   点击:


周正虎,教授,博士生导师。2018年获得东北林业老员工态学博士学位。第四届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”托举对象。主要研究方向为土壤微生物生态学和全球变化生态学,通过实验、整合分析和模型三大手段研究土壤微生物调控的地下生态学过程对全球变化的响应与反馈机制。研究成果发表在Nature Communications、Global Ecology & Biogeography、Soil Biology & Biochemistry等国际顶级刊物上。担任环境科学和生态学领域顶级期刊Global Ecology and Biogeography和林学顶级期刊Forest Ecology and Management审稿人。


1. Zhenghu Zhou, Chuankuan Wang, Yiqi Luo. Response of soil microbial communities to altered precipitation: a global synthesis. Global Ecology and Biogeography (IF=6.045, Top期刊), 2018, 27: 1121-1136.

2. Zhenghu Zhou, Chuankuan Wang, Yiqi Luo. Effects of forest degradation on microbial communities and soil carbon cycling: a global meta-analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography (IF=6.045, Top期刊), 2018, 27: 110-124.

3. Zhenghu Zhou, Chuankuan Wang, Lifen Jiang, Yiqi Luo. Trends in soil microbial communities during secondary succession. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (IF=4.926, Top期刊), 2017, 115: 92-99.

4. Zhenghu Zhou, Chuankuan Wang, Mianhai Zheng, Lifen Jiang, Yiqi Luo. Patterns and mechanisms of responses by soil microbial communities to nitrogen addition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (IF=4.926, Top期刊), 2017, 115: 433-441.

5. Zhenghu Zhou, Chuankuan Wang, Ying Jin. Stoichiometric responses of soil microflora to nutrient additions for two temperate forest soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils (IF=3.808, Top期刊), 2017, 53: 397-406.

6. Zhenghu Zhou, Chuankuan Wang. Reviews and syntheses: soil resources and climate jointly drive variations in microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in China's forest ecosystems. Biogeosciences (IF=3.441), 2015, 12: 6751-6760.

7. Junyi Liang, Zhenghu Zhou, Changfu Huo, Zheng Shi, James R. Cole, Lei Huang, ... & Yiqi Luo. More replenishment than priming loss of soil organic carbon with additional carbon input. Nature communications (IF=12.353, Top期刊), 2018, 9: 3175.

8. Ying Jin, Chuankuan Wang, Zhenghu Zhou. Conifers but not angiosperms exhibit vulnerability segmentation between leaves and branches in a temperate forest. Tree Physiology (IF= 3.389, Top期刊). (In press).

9. Ying Jin, Chuankuan Wang, Zhenghu Zhou, Zhimin Li. Co-ordinated performance of leaf hydraulics and economics in 10 Chinese temperate tree species. Functional Plant Biology (IF= 2.083), 2016, 43: 1082–1090.




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