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周旭辉,国家级高层次人才项目入选者,博士生导师,曾获得上海高校特聘教授(东方学者)荣誉称号。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目1项,面上项目2项,黑龙江省自然科学基金重点项目1项。所带领团队主要从事全球变化与陆地生态系统的野外试验和生态模型研究,在Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, Ecology, Journal of Ecology等多个国际顶级刊物上发表论文150余篇,论文被引12000余次,H指数53,高被引论文8篇。


2003/09-2007/05,美国俄克拉荷马大学(University of Oklahoma),植物生态学,博士




2021/04 -至今,beat365网站,beat365,教授,博导








1. 黑龙江省重点基金:东北森林碳循环关键参数观测与优化反演(2021.7~2024.7),项目负责人,经费50万元

2. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:亚热带常绿阔叶林响应极端干旱与恢复过程的生物调控机制(2020.1~2024.12),项目负责人,经费352万元

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:常绿阔叶林演替过程中凋落物和根系对土壤有机碳累积的影响及其机制(2018.1~2021.12),项目负责人,经费72万元.

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:地上和根系凋落物对盐沼湿地土壤有机碳累积的影响及机制(2014.1~2017.12),项目负责人,经费80万元.

5. 上海市教委项目:上海高校特聘教授"东方学者" (2012.1~2014.12),项目负责人,经费100万元.

6. 上海市科委项目:气候变暖对青藏高原永久冻土区高寒草甸生态系统碳水耦合过程的影响研究(2012.9~2014.8),项目负责人,经费20万元.


1. Liu H, Wang H, Li N, Shao J, Li Z, Zhou X*, Thakur MP (2022) Phenological mismatches between above- and belowground plant responses to climate warming. Nature Climate Change, 12: 97–102.

2. Zhou LY, Zhou XH*, He YH, Fu YL, Du ZG, Lu M, Sun XY, Li CH, Lu CY, Liu RQ, Zhou GY, Bai SH, Thakur MP (2022) Global systematic review with meta-analysis shows that warming effects on terrestrial plant biomass allocation are influenced by precipitation and mycorrhizal association, Nature Communications, 13:4914.

3. Shao J, Zhou X*, Zhang P, Zhai D, Yuan T, Li Z, He Y, McDowell NG (2022) Embolism resistance explains mortality and recovery of five subtropical evergreen broadleaf trees to persistent drought. Ecology, doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3877.

4. Chen H, Jing Q, Liu X, Zhou X, Fang C, Li B, Zhou S, Nie M* (2022) Microbial respiratory thermal adaptation is regulated by r-/K-strategy dominance. Ecology Letters, doi.org/10.1111/ele.14106

5. He M, Pan Y, Zhou G, Barry KE, Fu Y*, Zhou X* (2022) Grazing and global change factors differentially affect biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships in grassland ecosystems. Global Change Biology, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16305.

6. Jiang Z, Thakur MP, Liu R*, Zhou G, Zhou L, Fu Y, Zhang P, He Y, Shao J, Gao J, Li N, Wang X, Jia S, Chen Y, Zhang C, Zhou X* (2022) Soil P availability and mycorrhizal type determine root exudation in subtropical forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 171:108772.

7. Zhang B#, Zhou L#, Zhou X*, Chen J, Shao J, Zhang G, Xu C (2022) Differential responses of leaf photosynthesis to insect and pathogen outbreaks: A global synthesis. Science of the Total Environment, 832:155052.

8. Zhou G, Zhou X*, Eldridge DJ, Han X, Song Y, Liu R, Zhou L, He Y, Du Z, Delgado- Baquerizo M* (2022) Temperature and rainfall patterns constrains the multidimensional rewilding of global forests. Advanced Science, 2201144.

9. Zhang G, Zhou G*, Zhou X*, Zhou L, Shao J, Liu R, Gao J, He Y, Liu H, Du Z, Tang J, Delgado-Baquerizo M (2022). Mycorrhizal forest type controls soil carbon stocks, fine root biomass and respiration in tropical forest plantations. Journal of Plant Ecology, rtac056, doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtac056.

10. He Y, Yao Y, Jia Z, Chen X, Zhou L, Shao J, Liu R, Zhou G, Fu Y, Sun X, Zhou X*, Bai SH. (2021). Antagonistic interaction between biochar and nitrogen addition on soil greenhouse gas fluxes: A global synthesis. GCB Bioenergy, 13: 1636–1648.

11. Liu R, He Y, Zhou G, Shao J, Zhou L, Zhou H, Li N, Song B, Liang C, Yan E, Chen Y, Wang X, Bai SH, Zhou X* (2021). Mycorrhizal effects on decomposition and soil CO2 flux depend on changes in nitrogen availability during forest successions. Journal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13770.

12. Du Z, Wang J, Zhou G, Bai SH, Zhou L, Fu Y, Wang C, Wang H, Yu G, Zhou X* (2021) Differential effects of nitrogen vs. phosphorus limitation on terrestrial C storage: a Bayesian approach. Science of the Total Environment, 795: 148485.

13. Zhou H, Shao J*, Liu H, Du Z, Zhou L, Liu R, Bernhofer C, Grünwald T, Dušek J, Montagnani L, Tagesson T, Black TA, Jassal R, Woodgate W, Biraud S, Varlagin A, Mammarella I, Gharun M, Shekhar A, Buchmann N, Manco A, Magliulo E, Billesbach D, Silberstein RP, Ohta T, Yu G, Chen Z, Zhang Y, Zhou X* (2021). Relative importance of climatic variables, soil properties and plant traits to spatial variability in net CO2exchangeacross global forests and grasslands. Agricultural Forest & Meteorology, 307:108506.

14. Gao J, Zhou M, Shao J*, Zhou G, Liu R, Zhou L, Liu H, He Y, Chen Y, Zhou X (2021) Fine root trait-function relationships affected by mycorrhizal type and climate. Gerdoma, 394:115011.

15. Zhou L, Yan W, Sun X, Shao J, Zhang P, Zhou G, He Y, Liu H, Fu Y*, Zhou X (2021) Regulation of climate, soil and hydrological factors on macrophyte biomass allocation for coastal and inland wetlands in China. Science of Total Environment, 774: 145317.

16. Zhang P, McDowell, NG, Zhou X*, Wang W, Leff RT, Pivovaroff AL, Zhang H, Chow PS, Ward ND, Indivero J, Yabusaki SB, Waichler S, Bailey VL (2021). Declining carbohydrate content of Sitka-spruce trees dying from seawater exposure. Plant Physiology, 469: 118159.

17. Zhou G, Zhou X* Liu R, Du Z, Zhou L, Li S, Liu H, Shao J, Wang J, Nie Y, Gao J, Wang M, Zhang M, Wang X, Bai SH (2020) Soil fungi and fine root biomass mediate drought-induced reductions in soil respiration. Functional Ecology, 34:2634–2643.

18. Zhou L, He Y, Shao J, Li C, Lu C, Wang C, Liu R, Liu H, Zhou G, Zhou X* (2020) Responses of biomass allocation to multi-factor global change: a global synthesis. Agricultural Ecosystems and Environments, 304: 107115.

19. He Y, Yao Y, Ji Y, Deng J, Zhou G, Liu R, Shao J, Zhou L, Li N, Zhou X*, Bai SH (2020) Biochar amendment boosts photosynthesis and biomass in C3 but not C4 plants: a global synthesis. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy, 12: 605–617.

20. Zhang P, Zhou X, Fu Y*, Shao J, Zhou L, Li N, Li S, Zhou G, Hu Z, Hu J, Bai SH, McDowell NG (2020) Differential effects of drought on nonstructural carbohydrate storage in seedlings and mature trees of four species in a subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 469:118159.

21. He Y, Cheng W, Zhou L, Shao J, Liu H, Zhou H, Zhu K, Zhou X* (2020) Soil DOC release and aggregate disruption mediate rhizosphere priming effect on soil C decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 144: 107787.

22. Hu Z, Chen HYH, Yue C, Gong XY, Shao J, Zhou G, Wang J, Wang M, Xia J, Li Y*, Zhou X*, Michalets ST (2020) Traits mediate drought effects on wood carbon fluxes. Global Change Biology, 26:3429–3442.

23. Tan L, Ge Z*, Zhou X*, Li S, Tang J (2020) Conversion of coastal wetlands, riparian wetlands and peatlands increases greenhouse gas emissions: a global meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 26:1638–1653.

24. He M#, Zhou G#, Yuan T, van Groenigen KJ, Shao J*, Zhou X* (2020) Grazing intensity significantly changes the C:N:P stoichiometry in grassland ecosystems. Global Ecology & Biogeography, 29:355–369.

25. Zhang R, Zhou X*, Quyang Z, Avitabile V, Qi J, Chen J, Giannico V (2019) Estimating aboveground biomass in subtropical forests of China by integrating multisource remote sensing and ground data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 232: 111341.

26. Zhou G#, Luo Q#, Chen Y#, Hu J, He M, Gao J, Zhou L, Liu H, Zhou X* (2019) Interactive effects of grazing and global change factors on soil and ecosystems respiration in grassland ecosystems: a global synthesis. Journal of Applied Ecology,56: 2007-2019.

27. Liu R, Zhou X*, Wang J, Shao J, Fu Y, Liang C, Yan E, Chen X, Wang X, Bai S (2019) Differential magnitude of rhizosphere effects on soil aggregation at three stages of subtropical secondary forest successions. Plant and Soil, 436: 365-380.

28. He N, Liu C, Piao S, Sack L, Xu L, Luo Y, He J, Han X, Zhou G, Zhou X, Lin Y, Yu Q, Liu S, Sun W, Niu S, Li S, Zhang J, Yu G (2019) Ecosystem traits: Linking functional traits to macroecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 34: 200-210.

29. Zhou G, Luo Q, Chen Y, Zhou L, Frank D, He Y, Zhou X* (2019) Effects of livestock grazing on grassland carbon storage and release override impacts associated with global climate change. Global Change Biology, 25: 1119-1132.

30. He Y, Zhou X*, Cheng W, Zhou L, Zhang G, Zhou G, Liu R, Shao J, Zhu K, Cheng W (2019). Linking improvement of soil structure to soil carbon storage following invasion by a C4 plantSpartina alterniflora. Ecosystems, 22: 859-872

31. Chen J, Luo Y*, Van Groenigen K, Hungate B, Cao J,Zhou X, Wang R (2018) A keystone microbial enzyme for nitrogen control of soil carbon storage. Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aaq1689.

32. Chen J, Luo Y, Palacios P, Cao J, Dacal M, Zhou X, Li J, Xia J, Niu S, Yang H, Shelton S, Guo W, van Groeingen K (2018). Differential responses of carbon-degrading enzyme activities to warming: Implications for soil respiration. Global Change Biology, 24: 4816-4826

33. 33. Hu Z, Michaletz S, Johnson D, MacDowell N, Huang Z, Zhou X*, Xu C* (2018) Traits drive global wood decomposition rates more than climate. Global Change Biology, 24: 5259-5269.

34. Zhou G1, Zhou X1, Nie Y1, Bai S, Zhou L, Shao J, Cheng W, Wang J, Hu F, Fu Y* (2018) Drought-induced changes in root biomass largely result from altered root morphological traits: Evidence from a synthesis of global field trials. Plant Cell and Environment, 41:2589-2599.

35. Du Z, Weng E, Xia J*, Jiang L, Luo Y, Zhou X* (2018) Carbon-nitrogen coupling under three schemes of model representation: a traceability analysis. Geoscientific Model Development, 11: 4399–4416.

36. Zhou X*, Xu X, Zhou G, Luo Y (2018) Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition increased with mean carbon residence time: Field incubation and data assimilation. Global Change Biology, 24:810-820.

37. Yan Y, Zhou X*, Jiang L, Luo Y, (2017) Effects of carbon turnover time on terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage. Biogeosciences, 14: 5441-5454.

38. Zhou G, Zhou X*, Zhang T, Du Z, He Y, Wang X, Shao J, Cao Y, Xue S, Wang H, Xu C (2017) Biochar increased soil respiration in temperate forests but had no effects in subtropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 405:339-349.

39. Du Z, Zhou X*, Shao J, Yu G, Wang H, Xia J, Luo Y (2017) Quantifying uncertainties of a nitrogen module from data and model structure in a terrestrial ecosystem model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth System, 9: 548–565.

40. Hu Z, Xu C, McDowell NG, Johnson DJ, Wang M, Luo Y,Zhou X*, Huang Z* (2017) Linking microbial community composition to C loss rates during wood decomposition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 104: 108-116.

41. Zhai D, Jin W, Shao J, He Y, Zhang G, Li M, Wang H*, Zhou X* (2017) Different response patterns of soil respiration to a nitrogen addition gradient in four types of land use on an alluvial island in China. Ecosystems,20: 904–916.

42. Zhou G, Zhou X*, He Y, Hu Z, Shao J, Liu R, Zhou H (2017) Grazing intensity significantly affects belowground carbon and nitrogen cycling in grassland ecosystems: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 23(3):1167-1179.

43. He Y, Zhou X*, Jiang L, Li M, Du Z, Zhou G, Shao J, Wang X, Xu Z, Hosseini-Bai S, Wallance H, Xu C (2017) Effects of biochar application on soil greenhouse gas emissions: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology-Bioenergy, 9: 743-755.

44. Shao J, Zhou X*, Luo Y, Li B, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Blanken P, Bracho R, Chen J, Fischer M, Fu Y, Gu L, Han S, He Y, Kolb TE, Li Y, Nagy Z, Niu S, Oechel W, Pinter K, Shi P, Suyker A, Torn M, Varlagin A, Wang H, Yan J, Yu G, Zhang J (2016) Direct and indirect effects of climatic variations on the interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange across terrestrial ecosystems. Tellus B, 68, 30575.

45. Zhou X*, Zhou L, Du Z, Nie Y, Fu Y, Zheng Z, Wang X (2016) Regulation of carbon allocation in the responses of soil carbon storage to both drought and irrigation: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 228: 70–81.

46. Shao J, Zhang G, Luo Y, Li B, Dan L, Gao Z, He Y, Meng J, Sun R, Tao F, Zhu W, Zhou X*(2016) Uncertainty analysis of terrestrial net primary productivity and net biome productivity in China during 1901-2005. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences, 121: 1372-1393.

47. Zhou L, Zhou X*, Shao J, Nie Y, He Y, Jiang L, Wu Z, Hosseini S (2016) Interactive effects of global change factors on soil respiration and its components: a meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 22: 3157–3169.

48. Chen J, Luo Y, Xia Y, Shi Z, Jiang L, Niu S, Zhou X*, Cao J* (2015) Differential responses of ecosystem respiration components to experimental warming in a meadow grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220 (15): 21-29.

49. Shao J, Zhou X*, Luo Y, Li B, Aurela M, Billesbach D, Blanken P, Bracho R, Chen J, Fischer M, Fu Y, Gu L, Han S, He Y, Kolb TE, Li Y, Nagy Z, Niu S, Oechel W, Pinter K, Shi P, Suyker A, Torn M, Varlagin A, Wang H, Yan J, Yu G, Zhang J (2014) Biotic and climatic controls on interannual variability in carbon fluxes across terrestrial ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 205:11-22.

50. Du Z, Nie Y, He Y, Yu G, Wang H, Zhou X* (2015) Complementarity of flux- and biometric-based data to constrain parameters in a terrestrial carbon model. Tellus B, 67, 24102.

51. Zhang B, Zhou X*, Zhou L (2014) A global synthesis of belowground C responses to biotic disturbance. Global Ecology & Biogeography, 24: 126–138.

52. Shao J, Zhou X*, He H, Yu G*, Wang H, Luo Y, Chen J, Gu L, Li B. (2014) Partitioning climatic and biotic effects on interannual variability of ecosystem carbon exchange in three ecosystems. Ecosystems, 17: 1186–1201.

53. Jia X, Zhou X*, Luo Y, Xu X, Xue K, Yang Y, Xue X, Zhou J (2015) Effects of substrate and microbial community on respiratory carbon release from long-term warming and clipping soil in a tallgrass prairie. PLoS ONE, 9(12): e114203.

54. Yan Y, Luo Y, Zhou X*, Chen J (2014) Sources of variation in simulated ecosystem carbon storage capacity from the 5th Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). Tellus B, 66, 22568.

55. Zhou L, Zhou X*, Zhang B, Lu M, Luo Y, Liu L, Li B (2014) Different responses of soil respiration and its components to nitrogen addition among biomes: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 20: 2332–2343.

56. Zhou X*, Fu Y, Zhou Y, Li B, Luo Y (2013) An imperative need for global change research in tropical forests. Tree Physiology, 33: 903–912.

57. Zhang B*, Cao J, Bai Y, Zhou X*, Ning Z, Yang S, Hu L (2013) Effects of rainfall amount and frequency on vegetation growth in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Climatic Change, 118(2): 197-212.

58. Lu M, Zhou X, Yang Q, Li H, Luo Y, Fang C, Chen J, Yang X, Li B (2013) Responses of ecosystem carbon cycle to experimental warming: A meta-analysis. Ecology, 94(3): 726-738.

59. Zhou X*, Zhou T, Luo Y (2012) Uncertainties in carbon residence time and sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems of the Conterminous USA: A Bayesian approach. Tellus B, 64, 17223

60. Zhou X*, Fei S, Sherry R, Luo Y (2012) Root biomass dynamics under warming and doubled precipitation in a tallgrass prairie. Ecosystems, 15(4): 542-554.

61. Lu M, Zhou X*, Luo Y, Fang C, Chen J, Li B* (2011) Minor stimulation of soil carbon storage by nitrogen addition. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 140:234-244.

62. Luo Y, Zhou X*, (2010) Deconvolution analysis to quantify autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration and their temperature sensitivities. New Phytologist, 188: 10-11.

63. Zhou X*, Luo Y, Verburg PSJ, Arnone III JA, Schimel DS (2010) Concurrent and lagged impacts of an anomalously warm year on components of soil respiration: a deconvolution analysis. New Phytologist, 187: 184-198.

64. Belay-Tedla A, Zhou X*, Su B, Wan S, Luo Y (2009) Labile, recalcitrant, and microbial pools of carbon and nitrogen in a Tallgrass Prairie soil subjected to experimental warming and clipping. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41: 110-116.

65. Zhou X*, Weng E, Luo Y (2008) Modeling patterns of nonlinearity in ecosystem responses to temperature, CO2, and precipitation changes. Ecological Applications, 18(2): 453-466.

66. Zhou X*, Wan S, Luo Y (2007) Source components and interannual variability of soil CO2efflux under experimental warming and clipping in a grassland ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 13(4): 761-775.

67. Zhou X*, Liu X, Wallace LL, and Luo Y (2007) Photosynthetic and respiratory acclimation to experimental warming for four species in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49(3): 270-281.

68. Sherry RA, UZhou XU, Gu S, Arnone III JA, Schimel DS, Verburg PS, Wallace LL, Luo Y (2007) Divergence of reproductive phenology under climate warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA (PNAS), 104(1): 198-202.

69. Zhou X*, Sherry R, An Y, Wallace LL, and Luo Y (2006) Main and interactive effects of warming, clipping, and doubled precipitation on soil CO2efflux in a grassland ecosystem. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20, GB1003, DOI: 10.1029/ 2005GB002526.


1. Luo Y, Zhou X (2006) Soil Respiration and the Environment. Academic Press/ Elsevier, San Diego, CA, USA, pp328 (Chinese version published in 2007 by Higher Education Press, Beijing, China)


1. 1999年浙江省教委科技进步二等奖

2. 2000年浙江省人民政府科技进步二等奖

3. 2005年美国俄克拉荷马大学植物与微生物系George L. and Cleo Cross研究生奖学金

4. 2006年美国俄克拉荷马大学艺术与科学学院会议资助奖学金

5. 2008年Journal of Integrative Plant Biology杂志优秀论文




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