


发布时间:2019年04月08日 10:41   点击:


陈立新,农学博士,林学博士后,教授(三级),博士生导师。国家科技奖励、国家自然科学基金、国家林业局、北京市、浙江省、黑龙江省等部门或项目评审专家;教育部研究生学位论文评审专家;中国土壤学会和中国林学会常务委员、森林土壤专业委员会委员;林业科学、生态学报、应用生态学报、北京林业大学学报、南京林业大学学报、植物营养与肥料学报、生态学杂志、水土保持学报、林业科学研究、中国水土保持科学等刊物审稿人。研究领域为森林土壤学、城市森林土壤、城市土壤污染与修复、人工林土壤质量演变与调控以及不良立地土壤改良技术等领域教学和科学研究工作。1987年获内蒙古农业大学林学专业学士学位,1996、2003年先后获得beat365网站农学硕士和中国林业科学研究院农学博士学位,2008年beat365网站林学博士后出站;2006-2007年,日本北海道大学高级访问学者。主持国家自然科学基金、农业科技成果转化、国家重点研发计划专项课题、国家林业局推广、留学归国重点基金、黑龙江省自然科学基金、哈尔滨市科学基金、黑龙江省教学改革项目20余项,在土壤学报、林业科学、生态学报、应用生态学报、Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science等主流期刊发表论文120余篇,其中SCI和EI收录论文10篇,出版专著2部、教材1部,参编教材2部。2006年获省高校自然科学一等奖和省自然科学奖二等奖各一项。省高教学会优秀高等教育科学研究成果2等奖1项,发明专利2项、黑龙江省精品课程1项。为林学、环境、防火、园林和地理信息系统等专业的本科生和研究生主讲土壤学、土壤与土壤资源学、土壤肥料学、土壤实验分析技术、土壤物理学、土壤理化分析、土壤资源学、农业资源利用等课程。截至目前指导毕业博士和硕士47人,其中,国家奖学金博士和硕士获得者各1名、硕士优秀毕业论文获得者5名;送往加拿大联合培养博士1名。





4. Temporal variations in phosphorus fractions and phosphatase activities in rhizosphere and bulk soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science. 2016, 179, 67-77










Prof. Chen Lixin, Ph.D. of Agriculture, Postdoctoral Fellow in Forestry, Dr. Supervisor. Projects and Department Review Expert for National Science and Technology Award, National Natural Science Foundation, State Forestry Administration, Natural Science Foundation of Beijing City, Zhejiang Province and Hei Longjiang Province, Graduate Dissertation of Ministry of Education; The Standing Committee for China soil Association and China Forestry Society, Member of Forest Soil Professional Committee of China Forestry Society; Reviewer for Acta Ecologica Sinica, Scientia Silvae Sinicae, Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Beijing Forestry University, Journal of Nanjing Forestry University, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer, Chinese Journal of Ecology, Journal of Soil & Water Conservation, Forest Research, Chinese Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Science. Research field is Forest Soil Science, Urban Forest Soil, Urban Soil Pollution and Its Remediation, and Poor soil improvement techniques; Bachelor degree was given in Inner Mongolian Agriculture in 1987, Master degree and Ph.D. degree were given in Northeast Forestry University and in China Academy of Forestry Science in 1993, 2003, respectively. Visiting scholar in Hokkaido University, Sapporo between 2006-2007; Presiding(fulfilling) much more projects, such as National Natural Science Foundation, Key Projects of National Key Research and Development Programs, Conversion Fund Project of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements, Starting funds for Returned Overseas Experts in the Ministry of Education, Starting Project for Returnees in the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Major Science and Technology Breakthrough Project of Heilongjiang Province, Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, Harbin Science Foundation, International Cooperation Projects and Local Cooperation Projects. More than 120 academic papers were published in the following mainstream Journals as Acta Pedologica Sinica, Scientia Silvae Sinicae, Acta Ecologica Sinica, Journal of Applied Ecology,and Journal of Plant Nutrition & Soil Science,including 10 SCI and EI papers; Two Monographs and Three Textbooks were published; both the first prize of provincial college natural science award and second prize of provincial natural science award in 2006, the two awards of the second prize in the scientific research achievement of education from Heilongjiang higher education society, two invention patents, etc. were won; Major teaching courses were soil science, soil science & soil resources, soil fertilizer science, soil experimental analysis technique, soil physics, soil physicochemical analysis, soil resources, utilization and management of agricultural resources, etc. for the bachelors and graduates of following majors as forestry, environmental science, forest fire prevention, landscape, and GIS; So far, I have directed four doctoral graduated students and 43 master's graduated students. Some excellent graduate students won the national scholarship, excellent graduation dissertation. I cooperated with Canadian university to train a doctoral student. Graduate students joined 211 project universities, national units and local government departments to work.

Contact me:

Tel. +86-045182190384

Email: lxchen88@163.com


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