


发布时间:2018年12月03日 10:14   点击:




1.宋金凤,李金博,曹楷,桑英,崔晓阳*.草酸和柠檬酸提高长白落叶松对Pb胁迫的适应性,北京林业大学学报, 2017, 39 (11): 18-27

2.孙金兵,桑英,宋金凤,崔晓阳.长白山典型森林土壤黑碳含量及不同组分中的分布特征.林业科学研究, 2016, 29(1):34-40

3. Xiaoyang Cui, Fei Gao, Jinfeng Song,Ying Sang, Jinbing Sun, Xueying Di. Changes in soil total organic carbon after an experimental fire in a cold temperate coniferous forest: a sequenced monitoring approach. Geoderma, 2014, s226-227 (4): 260-269 (SCI)

4.金鹰,王传宽,桑英.三种温带树种树干储存水对蒸腾的贡献.植物生态学报, 2011, 35 (12):1310-1317

5. JinFeng Song, ChengWei Duan,Ying Sang, XiaoYang Cui*. Effects of exogenous organic acids on the resistance of Changbai larch (Larix olgensis) seedlings to mixed Pb and Cd stress, International Journal of Phytoremediation (Accept, SCI)

6.桑英,郝敬梅,李国江,崔晓阳.外源硒在森林土壤中的存留及对山野菜植物的施用效果.beat365网站学报, 2007, 35(7): 30-31.

7.崔晓阳,桑英,宋金凤.外源碘在森林土壤中的残留及对山野菜植物的施用效果.应用生态学报, 2003, 14(10): 1612-1616.

8.崔晓阳,郝敬梅,赵山山,桑英,王海淇,邸雪颖.大兴安岭北部试验林火影响下土壤有机碳含量的时空变化.水土保持学报,2012, 26(5): 195-200

9.桑英.内聚力-张力学说中关于负压的几点疑问.山东林业科技,2018(1): 81-84


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Personal Introduction

Sang Ying, doctor of science, lecturer. Research direction is about water physiological ecology of plants, including the studying of the hydraulic conductivity of the plant xylem, the principle of water transport in plants - the theory of cohesive-tension theory and root pressure. Master of soil science, Northeast Forestry University (1998-2001); Ph.D. in Ecology (2001-2008). Participated in 1 projects of national science and technology support program, 1 scientific research projects in Special Foundation for Common Benefits in Forestry, State Forestry Administration of China and 3 projects of National Natural Science Foundation; published more than ten academic papers, 3 books and textbooks, and got a reward for forestry science and technology awards of Liang Xi. Lecturing. Teaching "soil science" and "soil and soil resources" and other professional courses. In 2013, jointly funded by the National Scholarship Committee and the university for 1 years in the Department of ecological and evolutionary biology at the University of California - Santa Cruz, United States, as a visiting scholar (postdoctoral).


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